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Full Version: TypeError Decoration Intuition
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The instructor did not completed the code and i tried to run it, I am getting a name error why?
Here is the code:
def calcFormula1(x,y,z):
return x*y+x/2 +2

def calcFormula2(x,y):
return x*x*x +y*y*y +x+y+10

def printOutputReport1(func, x,y,z):
print("----------This is a report for your formula------------")
print("You X variable is:", x)
print("You Y variable is:", y)
print("The result of your formula is ", z)

def printOutputReport2(func, x,y):
print("----------This is a report for your formula------------")
print("You X variable is:", x)
print("You Y variable is:", y)
print("The result of your formula is ", z)

printOutputReport1(calcFormula1, 4 , 2)
printOutputReport2(calcFormula2, 7 , 2)

Here is the result coming out:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[20], line 23
19 print("You Y variable is:", y)
20 print("The result of your formula is ", z)
---> 23 printOutputReport1(calcFormula1, 4 , 2)
24 printOutputReport2(calcFormula2, 7 , 2)

TypeError: printOutputReport1() missing 1 required positional argument: 'z'

What is missing in the argument, Asigning value to (z) does not solve the code.
Your input is most appreciated.
You are not getting a name error. You are getting a type error. You only pass 3 arguments to a function that expects 4.