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Full Version: Need some guidance on a script to ping a list of ip's
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Im trying to tweak this logic a bit to return some additional information or even look at threading it so it runs a little faster.
I have a list of 3036 ip addresses i need to ping in a timely manner about 3 times aday.

Currently the below run at just under 4 minutes, which is better than the macro someone wrote in excel to accomplish the same thing(takes 30 minutes)

import os
import time

start = time.time()

with open("ip_list.txt") as file:
    park =
    park = park.splitlines()
    print(" {park}  \n")
    # ping for each ip in the file
for ip in park:
    response = os.popen(f"ping -c 1 {ip} ").read()
    # Pinging each IP address 4 times
    #saving some ping output details to output file
    if("Request timed out." or "unreachable") in response:
	    f = open("ip_output.txt","a")
	    f.write(str(ip) + ' link is down'+'\n')
	    f = open("ip_output.txt","a")  
	    f.write(str(ip) + ' is up '+'\n')
    # print output file to screen
with open("ip_output.txt") as file:
    output =
#with open("ip_output.txt","w") as file:    

end = time.time()
print(end - start)
Right now this outputs the IP address and the status, but what we would like to capture for historical purposes is the following in a CSV file to consume elsewhere.

File to contain:
Ip, Ping Time(ms) value, timestamp of run(this needs to be the same for all records at time of each run)
Example:, 20, 8:50pm

Also the above when run, returns this message:
Access denied. Option -c requires administrative privileges.

Even though it displays this on the console the script still runs and returns what i need, but not sure how to get around that OR if that is impacting the run time of the script. I mean 4minutes is good compared to 30minutes, but if i can improve that time even more it would be great.

Any suggestions or examples on how to tweak this to capture the additional data? Subprocess? Threading?
There is a Python ICMP library, so you could write you own python version of ping. You might not even need ICMP. Just test if you can complete a socket connection. I don't see any reason why you couldn't "ping" 3000 ip addresses in a few seconds.

Checxk multiping example:
im reading the installation steps and dont see a way to install on my instance of conda/spyder

Reading the capabilities sounds like it would handle what im trying to do.. just need to find a way to install and test it out.
Any suggestions?

Retrieving notices: ...working... done
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: unsuccessful initial attempt using frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: unsuccessful initial attempt using frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - icmplib

Current channels:


To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to

and use the search bar at the top of the page.
I did do the install using the pip command and when i run the sample code from the site i get this error:

File J:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\ in compat_exec exec(code, globals, locals) File i:\projects\python\pingregisters\ hosts = multiping(['', '', '::1']) File J:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\icmplib\ in multiping return File J:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Lib\asyncio\ in run raise RuntimeError( RuntimeError: cannot be called from a running event loop
Post your code.
What code is there to post, the original post at the top has my code. There is no new code to post or share... The sample code i tried was this:

from icmplib import multiping

hosts = multiping(['', '', '::1'])
for host in hosts:
     if host.is_alive:
         # See the Host class for details
         print(f'{host.address} is up!')
         print(f'{host.address} is down!')
I wouldn't expect that to use asyncio. According to the home page it looks like there is a multiping and an async_multiping.
Quote:Import basic functions

from icmplib import ping, multiping, traceroute, resolve
Import asynchronous functions

from icmplib import async_ping, async_multiping, async_resolve
I would expect async_multiping to use asyncio and multiping to not. Instead they just use different asyncio functions. Try using async_multiping. It doesn't use

From the source:

        >>> import asyncio
        >>> from icmplib import async_multiping
        >>> hosts =['', '::1']))

        >>> for host in hosts:
        ...     if host.is_alive:
        ...         print(f'{host.address} is up!')
        ...     else:
        ...         print(f'{host.address} is down!') is down!
        ::1 is up!
I will give it a try this evening. Yea in order to test it out on my instance, i literally just copied their example and provided 1 valid IP and one invalid to make sure it worked as expected and instantly received that error.

Ill try today and post back my results and anything else if i do receive an error.

thank you
I think im confused on the suggested code to try.

This is the code i currently have in my script and nothing else when i receive the above error.

from icmplib import multiping

hosts = multiping(['', '', '::1'])

for host in hosts:
     if host.is_alive:
         # See the Host class for details
         print(f'{host.address} is up!')
         print(f'{host.address} is down!')
I also tried just this basic example from the website and received the same error:

import asyncio
from icmplib import async_multiping
hosts =['', '::1']))
for host in hosts:
      if host.is_alive:
        print(f'{host.address} is up!')
        print(f'{host.address} is down!')
Are you running from Spyder? Try running from the command line. I would test this if I used Anaconda, but I'm avoiding that for now.
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