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I have this data frame df:

I need to style this data frame based on Percent_Utilized column. I have this so far:

I have this data frame:


Server        Env.    Model   Percent_Utilized
server123     Prod     Cisco.       50
server567.    Prod     Cisco.       80
serverabc.    Prod     IBM.         100
serverdwc.    Prod     IBM.         45
servercc.     Prod      Hitachi.    25
Avg                                60

server123Uat  Uat     Cisco.       40
server567u    Uat     Cisco.       30
serverabcu    Uat     IBM.         80
serverdwcu    Uat     IBM.         45
serverccu     Uat     Hitachi      15
Avg                               42
I need to apply style to this data frame based on Percent_Utilized column. I have this solution so far:

def color(val):
  if pd.isnull(val):
  elif val > 80:
      background_color = 'red'
  elif val > 50 and val <= 80:
      background_color = 'yellow'
      background_color = 'green'
  return 'background-color: %s' % background_color

def color_for_avg_row(row):
    styles = [''] * len(row)
    if row['Server'] == 'Avg':
        if row['Percent_Utilized'] > 80:
            color = 'background-color: red'
        elif row['Percent_Utilized'] > 50:
            color = 'background-color: yellow'
            color = 'background-color: green'
        styles = [color for _ in row.index]
    return pd.Series(styles, index=row.index)
df_new = (
              .apply(color_for_avg_row, axis=1)
              .applymap(color, subset=["Percent_Utilized"]))
df_new [/inline]

this set of code works when there is no empty rows. But there is an empty row in df and I need to keep it to separate each group by env column.

I am currently getting this error:

AttributeError: 'NoneType oject has no attribute 'rstrip'.

Any ideas?