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Full Version: Pulsing notification icon
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Is it me or does anyone else not able to open the notifications unless in the forum topics?
It doesn't open on the forum index.
Noticed, started a few weeks ago.
I have look into it and now should notifications(Alerts) work again.
Was a conflict with new light/dark Theme switch i added a while back.
I've noticed the same issue with the notifications not opening on the forum index. It seems like a glitch in the system that needs to be addressed by the platform's technical team. Hopefully, they'll resolve it soon so that we can access notifications more conveniently from any page within the forum. Thanks for bringing this up!
I myself have the same problem as you and find it very inconvenient. I hope the technical team will fix it
You're not alone, I've noticed the same issue. It seems like notifications only open when you're already inside a forum topic. Hopefully, it's just a temporary glitch and will be sorted out soon. In the meantime, I guess we’ll have to navigate through the topics to access them.