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Full Version: sounddevice errors ALSA audio
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Hello guys, i'm super new to this forum. My intention was to make use of PyMumble to make a client to make voice calls via Mumble.
I managed to listen the room, but i ran into issues. When i run the code on mac os it works fine, but when i run it on my Raspberry pi 3B i got these errors during the reception of sounds:
alsa lib pcm.c XXXX (snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
alsa lib pcm.c XXXX (snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
alsa lib pcm.c XXXX (snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
alsa lib pcm.c XXXX (snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
alsa lib pcm.c XXXX (snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
XXXX is a number. most people got this error online with different numbers. none of teir solutions worked for me.

i can hear everything but it skips frames it seems. not a good qality overall

i tried using pyaudio, but the quality was way much worse. plus i had to encapsulate the sream reading with try except, or the program would crash.
Thanks in advice for your help

import pymumble_py3
from pymumble_py3.callbacks import PYMUMBLE_CLBK_SOUNDRECEIVED as PCS
import sounddevice as sd

# Mumble server connection Settings
pwd = "" 
server = ""  
nick = "audio-only_client"
port = 64738 

# Audio stream settings
CHUNK = 512*2
DATATYPE = 'int16'
RATE = 48000

# Inistialize the audio stream using devices
stream = sd.RawStream(device=("Built-in Microphone", "Built-in Output"), 
                   samplerate= RATE, 
                   channels= CHANNELS, 
                   blocksize= CHUNK,
                   dtype= DATATYPE)

def sound_received_handler(user, soundchunk):
    # When a sound packet arrives it is immediately written to the device output stream

# This part is about the connection to the Mumble Server
# Setting 
mumble = pymumble_py3.Mumble(server, nick, password=pwd, port=port)
mumble.callbacks.set_callback(PCS, sound_received_handler)
# Starting the client and waiting to be in

# Starting the Stream

while True: