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Full Version: File Checksum V2
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Announcing version 2 of my 'File Checksum' app, which is a complete rework of the V1 app. As with V1, V2 was developed using the PAGE GUI design application, but since PAGE V8 has now been released, I've used that version of PAGE to develop the GUI for this project.

As before, this application provides an easy to use GUI for checking the hash values of any file. The use case is for when you download a file for which the author has provided a checksum value: this app will generate the hash values of the downloaded file (on the local host machine) and allows you to simply paste in the published hash values. It will then compare the two values and indicate if they are a match, or not a match. The main difference between my two apps is that V2 generates all four supported hash digests (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 and SHA-512), in parallel, and displays all four in the GUI at once, rather than one at a time, which is what V1 did.

You can find all the details as well as the app, hosted on GitHub

Thank you for your interest and I welcome any constructive feedback.