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(Feb-18-2024, 07:53 AM)buran Wrote: [ -> ]as long as they are on same network
Unfortunately they are not, but in theory it could be done of course. It might happen, "one day". Cool

But , in the mean time, I might have found a solution.
One big file is also one PDF.
Instead of making 100.000 png ("rolodex") style cards, I can import the cards into 1 PDF.
I did the test with the 11.000 files I used before, and the whole process took , transfer and all, 1 minute!

One step further is writing directly to a pdf.
There are a lot of advantages for us in creating the png "cards", Gribouillis explained how to do that using "pygments.lexers".
It is amazingly efficient. Writing to a pdf is an alternative, requiring some changes in the search procedures. But it it saves time...
I can create pdf pages with text, but that process (using "fpdf") is very cumbersome compared to the "pygments.lexers" procedure.
How do I write directly to a pdf, thus skipping the "png card " stage, but as efficiently as creating the png cards?

edit: let's try reportlab to do this !
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