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Full Version: Python Script Repeating Number When Saving Facebook Photos
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Good afternoon.
I'm having an issue with my code where every time the fifth photo is being saved, it's named as number 4, causing a problem with saving since it's considered as a duplicate name. I've tried to fix it with the help of ChatGPT and Copilot, but the error persists.
The code:

import pyautogui
import time
import keyboard
pyautogui.PAUSE = 0.2

def check_for_b():
    return keyboard.is_pressed('b')


numero_foto = 1

while True:
    pyautogui.rightClick(x=718, y=499), y=559), y=328)
    pyautogui.doubleClick(x=706, y=223), y=466)
    pyautogui.write(f"foto_{numero_foto}")"enter"), y=556)"right")

    if not check_for_b():
        numero_foto += 1
My guess is some of these clicks are not clicking where you think they should. Is there a popup window that might be moving around?
Mines does it on chrome. For example in download it saves all of the photos the same name. Allison.jpg, Allison(2).jpg, and Allison(3).jpg. I have to go in and rename it myself. I got this download extension on chrome from the internet. It's from Java. But it works like that.