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has the raspberry pico hardware timers on board.
I read conflicting information about that.
It could of course be that this functionality was added later.
thank you.
I tried the Micropython v1.23.0 release.
At the moment, only SoftTimers are supported.
You don't need to supply an id. As far I know id -1 is taken.

This snippet was tested with an RP Pico without WiFi.

from machine import Timer

def print_hello(timer):
    print("Hello from", timer)

# one shot, duration: 1000 ms
timer = Timer(mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, period=1000, callback=print_hello)
thanks for your reaction, still no hardware timer available Dodgy
I've also come across mixed information about the Raspberry Pi Pico's hardware timers. From what I understand, it does have hardware timers available on board. However, some of the confusion might stem from updates or changes in the documentation and firmware. It's definitely worth checking the latest official documentation for the most up to date info.