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Full Version: Display data from a chat
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Good morning,

I'm starting this topic to get python tips for displaying textual data.

I retrieved chat-type data from a database and I would like to display these data.

Currently I extract them in Excel format with a table like this:

ChatID UserName UserMessage
1 Sophie MessageA
1 Antoine MessageB
1 Antoine MessageC
1 Sophie MessageD
2 John MessageE
2 Sophie MessageF
2 John MessageG

Ideally I would like to display the information in a pretty way grouped by ChatID and not have a line for each message because I find that unreadable.

can you give me some advice please ?

It seems to me you are using too many manual processes that could be automated completely with python.
Perhaps it would be better to state your goals clearly in an outline.
Suggestions could then be made from that.
In fact, the data came from an abandoned application and were stored in a database. They are then retrieved in table form as shown in the first post with a request.

The problem being that the restitution in table form is not clear at all and I would like to display this information in a more user friendly way. Something like this :

[Image: 1719604772-imageexemple.png]