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How can make a kind of website that I should pay for it in a way that I do some activities for it?
I don't want pay by debit card or things like that. I just want to know if there are other ways to make websites.

my code here
What do you mean by make a website? Besides programming, there are free online tools for making websites. If you are making a website with HTML, Github Pages is free to use.
Which one should I use in Wix website maker for programming?
Wix appears to have all the tools you need to build a web site.  You'll have to be more specific when you say
Quote: Which one should I use in Wix website maker for programming 

What are you looking to do with your web site?
This has little or nothing to do with Python,or making websites with Python.
Wix is a online web-site builder,that is a closed platform has to be hosted exclusively on Wix's servers.
Then site can not be import out an used with Python web-framework like Flask,Django ect.