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Full Version: Query an ArcGIS feature server?
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The following code was used earlier to query data and I got the URL by inspecting a page element with a table in it. So I figured why not try to figure out how this works so I can use it on other websites to pull large amounts of information. But I'm having trouble.

data_url = '*&returnGeometry=false&orderByFields=&f=json'
response = requests.get(data_url)
data = response.json()
So I just figured out that I can access a webpage with a list of (featureservers) for ARCGIS here:

What am I actually doing when I send a Query that looks like this to the server:
data_url = ''
response = requests.get(data_url)
data = response.json()
I know that /0 is the index to access the first feature 2015_feature_241,
I know that /query?objectIds is telling it which information I want,
I know that f=json formats the output to json.

What I don't know is how to pull all the information for feature 2015_feature_241. The only reason I put in objectIds=1%2C2 is because I saw that it worked for my previous example but I dont know what it is doing. Could anyone point me in the correct direction to read up on the syntax for querying?