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Full Version: Given a date I need to separate data into weeks
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This is my first post and I'm very much a beginner.

I have a report of all our trouble tickets.
We convert that report convert it into a csv file.
We then use a python script to parse the file and separate out the errors, and do a count for each unique error.

I would like to separate the errors into specific time frame, (by week, or month) with the dates provided in the report.
What function can I use to look at a given date determine what week the ticket was created and then give a count for all the tickets created that week?

my code here
Quote:What function can I use to look at a given date determine what week the ticket was created and then give a count for all the tickets created that week?
What format is the time data in? Can you give an example snippet of a few lines of the csv file?

Most likely it is going to be the datetime module to interpret the timestamp and select the appropriate ones needed.
Here is a snippet of the file.
number|assigned_to|business_duration|description|priority|sys_created_by|opened_at|u_pending_closed_on|resolved_by|sys_created_on INC3270235|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/6/17 3:20|5/6/17 15:20 INC3271723|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/7/17 9:43|5/7/17 9:43 INC3279067|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/8/17 9:03|5/8/17 9:03 INC3319147|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/11/17 1:24|5/11/17 1:24 INC3331818|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/11/17 3:21|5/11/17 15:21 INC3331966|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/11/17 3:31|5/11/17 15:31 INC3335862|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/12/17 6:17|5/12/17 6:17 INC3344128|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/12/17 3:11|5/12/17 15:11 INC3368733|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/16/17 1:24|5/16/17 1:24
it is the "sys_created_on" date that I need to use as the filter.

Here is the script I need to modify in order to get this to happen.
I did not write this but I'm being asked to learn how to support it and improve it.
this is my first experience with python so I need a good kick start.
To note the script will not produce output unless the raw_data is delimited with |s.
The reason is that the actual descriptions(err) can contain any number of commas.
Generally the descriptions are IO Errors written into the tickets.
This also explains why there is so much clean up of the data in the script.
Also if you see ways to improve this script I'm open to suggestions.
At this time I can only hope to someday be able to write code in a very pythonic way.

import csv
import re

raw_data = "ESC_Incidents.csv" # file path to the raw Data	
servicenow_analysis_output = "analysis_output.txt"	# path to  new text file

data = open(raw_data, "r") # creates file descriptor and opens raw data file as read only
output = open(servicenow_analysis_output, "w")	# opens and create the new test file for the ouput to be written to

# the data is stored in a dictionary such that the column title is the key and the value is the list of all values within that column
parsedData = {} #instantiates the dictionary
#creating list for each column
parsedData['number'] = []
parsedData['assigned_to'] = []
parsedData['business_duration'] = []
parsedData['description'] = []
parsedData['priority'] = []
parsedData['sys_created'] = []
parsedData['opened_at'] = []
parsedData['u_pending_closed_on'] = []
parsedData['resolved_by'] = []
parsedData['sys_created_on'] = []

#this function will parse and store the data into the data structure constructed prior
def parseTheData(fd, parsedData): #fd stands for file descriptor and will be data for out purposes
    entireFile = #reads entire file in
    entireFile = re.sub(r"\|\|","|NULL|", entireFile) #adds NULL in place of an empty value
    entireFile = re.sub(r"INC[0-9]*\|[a-zA-z]+","|\g<0>", entireFile) # adds another pipe before all incident numbers to allow parsing the file correctly
    entireFile = entireFile.split("|") #separates out the columns
    cleanedData = list()
    for item in entireFile:
        cleanedData.append(re.sub(',+|\\r|\\n|\"\"+', '', item))
    #stores the parsed data into the data structure
    count = 0
    for value in entireFile:
        value = value.lower()#converts all strings to lowercase before entering them into the data structure
        count += 1
        if count == 1:
        if count == 2:
        if count == 3:
        if count == 4:
        if count == 5:
        if count == 6:
        if count == 7:
        if count == 8:
        if count == 9:
        if count == 10:
            count = 0
    return parsedData

#This function will remove all punctuation and make all letters lower case within the descriptions
def cleanTheData(ds):

    #removes excess characters from sys_created_on values
    cleanedData = list() #clears list
    for values in ds['sys_created_on']:
        cleanedData.append(re.sub(',+|\\r|\\n|', ' ', values))
    ds['sys_created_on'] = cleanedData

    return ds

def findContent(ds):
    dbErrors = dict()

    #iterates through all descriptions and pulls the db and the error message
    for message in ds["description"]:
        #searches for the error messages using regular expressions
        e ='\"\"responsemessages\"\":\[{\"+message\"+:\"+[\w+ ,.:;-]+\"+', message)
        if e: #when error found remove exess words and punctuation just leaving the message
            errMsg = ' '.join((re.sub('\W+', ' ',' ')[3:]))
        #searches for databasePlatform
        db ='\"+resources\"+\:\[\"+[\w+ ]+\"+\]', message)
        if db:#when db platform is found removes excess puntucation and words
            dbPlatform = ' '.join((re.sub('\W+', ' ',' ')[2:]))
            #stores the count of errors found per database in dictionary of dictionaries
            #dbErrors[database platform][error message] = count
            if dbPlatform in dbErrors.keys():
                if errMsg in dbErrors[dbPlatform].keys():
                    dbErrors[dbPlatform][errMsg] += 1
                    dbErrors[dbPlatform][errMsg] = 1
                dbErrors[dbPlatform] = 1
                dbErrors[dbPlatform][dbPlatform] = 1
    return dbErrors

parsedData = parseTheData(data,parsedData)
parsedData = cleanTheData(parsedData)
dbErrors =findContent(parsedData)

once you get the date and time to a datetime object, you can do quite a lot with it
from datetime import datetime
data = '''INC3270235|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/6/17 3:20|5/6/17 15:20
INC3271723|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/7/17 9:43|5/7/17 9:43
INC3279067|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/8/17 9:03|5/8/17 9:03
INC3319147|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/11/17 1:24|5/11/17 1:24
INC3331818|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/11/17 3:21|5/11/17 15:21
INC3331966|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/11/17 3:31|5/11/17 15:31
INC3335862|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/12/17 6:17|5/12/17 6:17
INC3344128|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/12/17 3:11|5/12/17 15:11
INC3368733|Most of these are blank|0|Error messages go here|3|700000120|5/16/17 1:24|5/16/17 1:24'''

dates = []
for line in data.split('\n'):
    last_element = line.split('|')[-1]  #5/6/17 15:20
    dates.append(datetime.strptime(last_element, '%m/%d/%y %H:%M')) #

for date in dates:
    print('day of the year: {}'.format(date.timetuple().tm_yday))
    print('week of the month: {}'.format(( - 1) // 7 + 1))
    print('week number of the year: {}'.format(date.isocalendar()[1]))
After that just separate date.isocalendar()[1] values and you will have the organized by week
I'm trying to modify the script on windows 7 using a git bash terminal.
I'm trying to implement the ideas presented in the a previous post.

This is the error I'm getting.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 198, in <module> parsedData = cleanTheData(parsedData) File "", line 109, in cleanTheData cleanData = format(values.isocalendar()[1]) AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'isocalendar'

In the code below I have put notes to show what I'm attempting to change.
def cleanTheData(ds):
# removes excess characters from sys_created_on values
cleanedData = list() # clears list
for values in ds['sys_created_on']:
print(values) #this is the format of each date in values “06/20/2017 15:57:44”
cleanedData.append(re.sub(',+|\\r|\\n|', ' ', values)) #original code
#cleanedData.append(datetime.strptime(values, '%m/%d/%Y $H:%M:%S')) #my attempt to clean it and get the week number in year
cleanData = format(values.isocalendar()[1]) #my attempt to get the week number in year from the original code
ds['sys_created_on'] = cleanedData

return ds

parsedData = parseTheData(data,parsedData) #line 198
parsedData = cleanTheData(parsedData)
isocalendar() is datetime object's method. It appears your "values" is a string object.

The part in my example here
datetime.strptime(last_element, '%m/%d/%y %H:%M')/
converts the string to a datetime object in which can use isocalendar(). This is a very important step.
What I just discovered is the first value is the column header, the word "created" This is why the strptime fails telling me that 'created is not in the proper format.
I need to remove it from the list.
You need to remove anything that is not apart of the date, and format the strftime format codes to identify the correct parts.
What I just discovered is the first value is the column header, the word "created" This is why the strptime fails telling me that 'created is not in the proper format.
I need to remove it from the list.
I was able to get passed that error but now I get another formatting error.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 202, in <module> parsedData = cleanTheData(parsedData) File "", line 111, in cleanTheData cleanedData.append(datetime.strptime(values, '%d/%m/%y %H:%M')) File "C:\Python36\lib\", line 565, in _strptime_datetime tt, fraction = _strptime(data_string, format) File "C:\Python36\lib\", line 362, in _strptime (data_string, format)) ValueError: time data '6/20/2017 15:57\n' does not match format '%d/%m/%y %H:%M'
Is the new line '\n' the problem does that have to be removed?
the code that is failing is
cleanedData.append(datetime.strptime(values, '%d/%m/%y %H:%M'))
values.strip() to remove the newline
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