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Im trying to run the results in this program so each output that has the same beach will go in alphabetical order. If you run it you will see that all the results are out of order. To fix this I just want to put every output with with a beach is order. Any way to go about this

import random

beach = ['Civic','Middle', '2 Chair', 'Main', 'Malibu', 'Nassau 2', 'Nassau 5', 'Reef', 'Anchor', 'E.lido', 'Lido', 'W.Lido', 'Surfing Bay', 'Lido West', 'EAB', 'E.EAB', 'Sea Glades']
lifeguard = ['Rodriguez','Mills', 'L Fitzgerald', 'Laibach', 'Hannon', 'Ruddick', 'Pitzer', 'TFlannigann', 'Vurro', 'Harrington', 'Chase', 'Clarkson', 'Digregorio', 'Nicharkwick', 'Riobo', 'Czartoyski', 'Meringolo', 'Brady', 'Barklow', 'Treadwell', 'Flynn', 'Geodecke', 'Murphy', 'Spinella', 'Joyce', 'TFitzgerald', 'Dreidy', 'EMquade', 'Schroeder', 'Mcveigh', 'Harloff', 'Rtreadwell', 'Cdauria', 'Ochs', 'Mriordan', 'Scibelli', 'Shanley', 'Charkowick', 'Kappel', 'Shutkind', 'Tcrafa', 'BCreigh', 'JCrafa', 'Creagh', 'Fitzpatrick', 'Curry', 'KFlannigan', 'Schlicte', 'Aicher', 'Kinneally', 'CCrafa', 'Fahy', 'Mulloolly', 'Zimmerman', 'Marcote', 'Kluss', 'Wiets', 'Duaria', 'PMquade', 'Campbell', 'Ptucker', 'Henderson', 'Lupia', 'Dunn', 'Rainus', 'lark', 'Peers', 'TLark',  'Martinez', 'Scheinburg', 'Rainus', 'Techera', 'Mcglughlin', 'Carr', 'Farrel', 'Bergin', 'Demeo', 'Trebel', 'Vanella', 'Serrao', 'Brown', 'Paoli', 'Dilsner', 'Swanson', 'JBurns', 'Stapleton', 'Correa', 'Formes', 'Hurst', 'BHarrington', 'Marks', 'MByrne', 'Boccio', 'Neuwieth', 'Babel', 'Hooker', 'Orourke', 'Martinsen', 'Leone', 'Wiessburg', 'Compton', 'Mazur', 'Tucker', 'Kerr', 'Dunster', 'Hutchinson', 'TFahy', 'Giordana', 'Hughes', 'Mahony', 'Gallego', 'CoNewby', 'Vitale', 'Shineburg', 'Longo', 'Michelman', 'Henne']
days_off = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
print ('To add an lifeguards type "lifeguard.append(name of lifeguard)"')
print ('To remove an lifeguard type "lifeguard.pop(name of lifeguard)"')

run = input("Hit enter to run program")
if input:
    for names in lifeguard:

        #randomly picks one beach out from array lifeguard
        win = beach[1]
        print (" %s" % win)

        #randomly picks one lifeguard out from array lifeguard
        win = lifeguard.pop()
        print (" %s" % win)

        #randomly picks two days off from array days_off
        win = days_off[1]
        print (" %s" % win)

        win = days_off[1]
        print (" %s" % win)

there is a built in function sorted that will sort the list alphabetically
>>> beach = ['Civic','Middle', '2 Chair', 'Main', 'Malibu', 'Nassau 2', 'Nassau 5', 'Reef', 'Anchor', 'E.lido', 'Lido', 'W.Lido', 'Surfing Bay', 'Lido West', 'EAB', 'E.EAB', 'Sea Glades']
>>> sorted(beach)
['2 Chair', 'Anchor', 'Civic', 'E.EAB', 'E.lido', 'EAB', 'Lido', 'Lido West', 'Main', 'Malibu', 'Middle', 'Nassau 2', 'Nassau 5', 'Reef', 'Sea Glades', 'Surfing Bay', 'W.Lido']
order is punctuation, numbers, uppercase, lowercase. Uppercase gets sorted first, then lowercase. IF you want the uppercase and lowercase seperated independently then give the argument key=str.lower. Not going to change it with this list as there are no elements that start with lowercase.
>>> sorted(beach,key=str.lower)
To make metulburr's suggestion work, you will need to remove the random.shuffle(beach) on line 15. You don't need that anyway. Also, you only need to randomly shuffle the lifeguard list once.