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I'm having issues with my code where I'm getting 'str' object is not callable error, but I'm not assigning anything to str, and the rest of the variable assignments look right. Likewise, parentheses are properly placed, so far as I can tell. Strings also seemly properly enclosed with single or double quotes (see code below).


import re, sys, time, logging, os, platform, pprint, configparser

def ParseSpreadsheet(cfg):

    ranges_per_field = cfg["data"]["cell_ranges"].split('\n')
    flds = ()

    for range in ranges_per_field:
        (cols, start_row, end_row) = range.split()

        #print("Cols is " + str(cols) + ", start row is " + str(start_row) +", end row is " + str(end_row))
        col_list = cols.split(',')
        for row in list(range(int(start_row), int(end_row))):

cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()'test.cfg')
This is the configuration file it reads:

$ cat test.cfg
infile = Broadcast Server Naming Convention.xlsx
#infile = your_file.xlsx

tab_name = Field Data
# Format is:
# start column for field  end column for field  end row for field
# For example, B D 380 means data starts in column B, ends in D, and starts row 4, ends at row 380
fld_lengths = 3,3,3,4,2,5,0 # Domain name has no limit
cell_ranges = B,C,D 4 380
              F,G,H 4 380
              J,K,L 4 200
              N,O,P 4 200
              R,S,T 4 4
              V,W,X 4 50
              Y,Z,AA 4 50
And I get this when I run it:

$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 21, in <module>
  File "./", line 15, in ParseSpreadsheet
    for row in list(range(int(start_row), int(end_row))):
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
Any thoughts on why I'm getting this?
Quote: for range in ranges_per_field:
You are overwriting builtins. Dont use builtin names for variables because range() now is trying to call your variable instead of the builtin
Thanks! Replacing that worked.