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Full Version: Encoding issue for the console output
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import sys

import pyodbc

driver = '{ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server}'
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER='+driver+';SERVER='+server+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password+';CHARSET=SJIS')
#cnxn.setencoding(unicode, encoding='utf-8')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select ...  where q_contract_summary.identifier='" + identifier + "'")
row = cursor.fetchone()
while row:
    #print(str(row[0]).decode('utf-8') + " " + unicode(str(row[1]), "utf-8"))
    row = cursor.fetchone()
I see in my console is:
Quote:a?¢a??a?≪a??a??c?°a¢?tedchou-MacBook-Air:~ ted.chou$ python
a?¢a??a?≪a??a??c?°a¢?tedchou-MacBook-Air:~ ted.chou$ python
a?¢a??a?≪a??a??c?°a¢?tedchou-MacBook-Air:~ ted.chou$

I believe that this is the encoding problem, could anyone guide me in the right direction?

Thank you so much!
This is not related to Python but to the tty application. It can't decode properly the folder name. As you see. Change the directory to /home/$USER/ or open another terminal window and should be alright.
Thank you so much! But I am using Mac OS default terminal... I believe that it is able to display UTF-8 properly:
tedchou-MacBook-Air:Downloads ted.chou$ vim test.abcdefg
tedchou-MacBook-Air:Downloads ted.chou$ python
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
tedchou-MacBook-Air:Downloads ted.chou$ cd ~
tedchou-MacBook-Air:~ ted.chou$ python
a?¢a??a?≪a??a??c?°a¢?tedchou-MacBook-Air:~ ted.chou$ python
a?\xa2a??a?\u226aa??a??c?\xb0a\xa2?tedchou-MacBook-Air:~ ted.chou$ python
a?\xa2a??a?\u226aa??a??c?\xb0a\xa2?tedchou-MacBook-Air:~ ted.chou$
I think it should be alright...
Thanks again.
Can't say anything else. Never used Mac. I am on Linux machine.
Thanks, I found out that python3 does not have this unicode issue... changed to python3