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Full Version: The Python Book altered rock paper scissors
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# Rock Paper

import random
import time

dragon = 1
spear = 2
human = 3
names = {dragon: "Dragon", spear: " Spear", human: "Human"}
rules = {dragon: human, spear: dragon, human: spear}
player_score = 0
computer_score = 0

def start():
print "Want to play a game?"
while game():

def game():
player = move()
computer = random.randint(1,3)
result(player, computer)
return play_again()

# noinspection PyUnreachableCode,PyUnreachableCode
def move():
while True:
player = raw_input("Dragon = 1\nSpear = 2\nHuman = 3\nPick a number already, peon!: ")
player = int(player)
if player in (1,2,3):
return player
except ValueError:
print "You really can't count? Enter a number 1, 2 or 3"

def result(player, computer):
print "1..."
print "2..."
print "3!"

print "Computer threw [0]!".format(names[computer])

global player_score, computer_score
if player == computer:
print "can't even beat an AI."
if rules[player] == computer:
print "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner."
player_score += 1

print "The computer just beat you, Skynet is upon us."
computer_score += 1

def play_again():
answer = raw_input("want to come and play? y/n: ")
if answer in ("y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "of course!"):
return answer
print "Thank you very much for playing Aaron Sans game. get reked noob!"

def scores():
global player_score, computer_score
print "HIGH SCORES "
print "Player: ", player_score
print "Computer: ", computer_score
if __name__ == '__main__':


Okay so when I run the file it in python

Want to play a game?

Dragon = 1
Spear = 2
Human = 3

Pick a number already, peon!:

as soon as I input any number, it loops and says the same text.
I think the input is incorrect as Pycharm stats noinspection PyUnreachableCode,PyUnreachableCode if so how do I change the code?
What am I doing wrong?