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Full Version: Interaction between different programming languages
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First, let me apologize for I don't have any code to show. This post is about getting pointers as to where to get the information I need.

I would like to have a python program running a script from another language, and communicating with that script. For the communication part, there is allways the possibility of writing to a file and reading it with the other program so it's not really an issue. However: is it possible to run a script from another language using python? If yes, is it only with certain modules written specifically for the communication with that language, or are there general solutions (like ways to call that other interpreter and script)?
In my case, I'd like a python program to be the main controller of a process, and running an mql5 script from time to time.
I don't know if it is even relevant to my interrogation, but I will be working in a windows XP environment. If it is possible, can I setup and test this under linux (debian jessie) and run under winXP, or do I have to write everything in winXP environment?

If this kind of open question is not welcome in these forums, just let me know and I'll delete the post.

Thanks in advance.
Yes, python can be used with other languages.
I refer you to:
Don't know about mlq5.
Python if written properly can run on multiple platforms.
Therefore (again, if carefully written) can be written on one platform to be used on another.
Quote:If this kind of open question is not welcome in these forums, just let me know and I'll delete the post.
If the question is about python, it's welcome
The communication shouldn't be an issue. You can either use sockets to do that or Redis for example. This way you can run as many scripts/programs as you want and they can talk each other. Doesn't matter the language.
Thank you I'll explore these ways :)