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Sometimes I feel a bit nostalgic and I will just browse the web, usually looking for something specific and ending up miles (megabytes ?) away, forgetting what it was I was originally looking for.  That was the case this morning.  In my very early youth, I was really big into kit building, usually from Heathkit and Conar and built everything from stereo speakers (the easiest) to an oscilloscope (the hardest).  Then one day, I came across this: Altair 8800 . All those lights and switches, I was mesmerized. It was, alas, the kit that got away as I was not able to afford the (then) hefty price tag.

Also during this morning, I ran across a more recent news article: Ancient Commodore 64.  Now who'd of thunk  Big Grin
I bought a couple of these for my kids.
I'm pretty sure that at least one of them survived and is stored away.
I also bought them both games every time there was a gift occasion.
Though I never tried it, their favorite was one called 'car wars'
Loved Car Wars. I used to run a Car Wars league in my game store. Although, that was the table top game, so maybe we're talking about different things.

My dad got me a Heathkit for a computer with only an octal display and a similar keyboard, but I never built it.
Speaking of Heathkit, I came across a Heathkit ham radio microphone in a yard sale about a month ago. Always wondered what it was doing there (no other electronic gear in sight, and this things cannot be connected to you usual consumer elctronics...). I used to salivate a lot over their catalog in the 70s, but never bought anything from them.
I have been in amateur radio since I was 7 years old.
I built several transceivers from Heathkit and always enjoyed them the most.
(Oct-19-2016, 02:36 PM)sparkz_alot Wrote: [ -> ]Sometimes I feel a bit nostalgic and I will just browse the web, usually looking for something specific and ending up miles (megabytes ?) away, forgetting what it was I was originally looking for.  That was the case this morning.  In my very early youth, I was really big into kit building, usually from Heathkit and Conar and built everything from stereo speakers (the easiest) to an oscilloscope (the hardest).  Then one day, I came across this: Altair 8800 . All those lights and switches, I was mesmerized. It was, alas, the kit that got away as I was not able to afford the (then) hefty price tag.

my mother bought one of those.  she got the 2nd floppy drive and the printer, too Dance

(Oct-20-2016, 12:00 AM)Larz60+ Wrote: [ -> ]I have been in amateur radio since I was 7 years old.
I built several transceivers from Heathkit and always enjoyed them the most.

mine is edit: removed

(Oct-19-2016, 11:41 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of Heathkit, I came across a Heathkit ham radio microphone in a yard sale about a month ago. Always wondered what it was doing there (no other electronic gear in sight, and this things cannot be connected to you usual consumer elctronics...). I used to salivate a lot over their catalog in the 70s, but never bought anything from them.

someone bought the big gear in the previous yard sale.  too bad you missed it.
Don't want to post that here.
Skaperen, I agree with Larz60+ about not posting his call. You should edit out your call (if you can't, perhaps a mod will do it for you).   73
Edited and removed the call. You can post it again if you want, but remember the advise against
What are call if not userids in the big ham radio forum?
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