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Full Version: My if and while loop statements aren't working
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I just get a syntax error with the if statement:
#adding two integers together when one of them is a sring by default:
x = 15
y = "5"
z = x + int(y)
if x > str(y)
    print("x is greater.")
As for my while loop, it isn't terminating like I want it to when the user enters 17:
#number guessing game that increments the number of guesses:
guess = 0
correctNum = 17
while guess != correctNum:
    guess = input("Guess a number between 0 and 30: ")
    continue #return to beginning of while loop
print("You guessed it! Number " + correctNum + " is the magic number!")
print("Thanks for playing.")
The while loop doesn't terminate because the condition is against an integer but everything user inputs are string. So the condition is always True.
Am I really stuck doing it backwards if I use Python? It seems so much more straight forward to declare both the variables and their data types ahead of time as I do in the commented out lines 2 and 3 of the following code:
#number guessing game that increments the number of guesses:
#int(guess) = 0
#int(correctNum) = 17
#while guess != correctNum
guess = 0
correctNum = 17
while int(guess) != int(correctNum):
    guess = int(input("Guess a number between 0 and 30: "))
    continue #return to beginning of while loop
print("You guessed it! Number " + str(correctNum) + " is the magic number!")
print("Thanks for playing.")
Not sure what you mean by doing it backwards. You've already declared 'guess' and 'correctNum' as numeric (you don't need to re-declare them in the while statement) and revised your input() to look for a number, then you are done.

guess = 0
correctNum = 17
while guess != correctNum:
    guess = int(input("Guess a number between 0 and 30: "))
    continue #return to beginning of while loop
print("You guessed it! Number {} is the magic number!".format(correctNum))
print("Thanks for playing.")
Guess a number between 0 and 30: 5 Guess a number between 0 and 30: 17 You guessed it! Number 17 is the magic number! Thanks for playing. Process finished with exit code 0
Alright, now I'm trying to make some elif statements work, but for some reason, I'm stuck in an infinite while loop. Here's the code:

counter = 0
heard = ""
while counter < 5:
    print("Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!")
    heard = input("Did you hear what I said?")
    if heard != "n" or heard != "y":
        print("Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.")
    elif heard == "n" and counter < 5:
        counter += 1
    elif heard == "y" and counter < 5:
        print("Alright! Don't forget to collect all the Kremcoins too.")
    elif heard == "n" and counter == 5:#5 no end statement
        print("Say what one more time! I dare you MF! Say what again!")
        break # is this break really necessary, since the counter is now 5?
However, the output is this:
======= RESTART: I:\Python\Python36-32\SamsPrograms\ =======
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?k
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?k
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?k
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?k
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?k
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?n
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?n
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?n
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?n
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?n
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?n
Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.
Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!
Did you hear what I said?
As you can see, the while loop continues after I entered the k four times because k is not a valid entry, but why doesn't it jump down to:
elif heard == "n" and counter == 5:#5 no end statement
I've entered n more than five times, haven't I? What's going on?
so first of all, your if statement ob line 6 will always be True, because you use or, it should be and
second - if count==5 it will never enter the loop body, because the loop condition is while counter < 5, thus elif condition on line 15 does not make sense, i.e. it will never be reached.
(Oct-21-2017, 06:26 AM)buran Wrote: [ -> ]second - if count==5 it will never enter the loop body, because the loop condition is while counter < 5, thus elif condition on line 15 does not make sense, i.e. it will never be reached.

Why can't the program just print out line 16 in the following code before exiting the while loop when the counter is incremented to 5?
counter = 0
heard = ""
while counter < 5:
    print("Go play some Donkey Kong Country 2 for Super Nintendo!")
    heard = input("Did you hear what I said?")
    if heard != "n" and heard != "y":
        print("Invalid entry. Enter y for yes, or n for no.")
    elif heard == "n" and counter < 5:
        counter += 1
    elif heard == "y" and counter < 5:
        print("Alright! Don't forget to collect all the Kremcoins too.")
        print("Say what one more time! I dare you MF! Say what again!")
        break # is this break really necessary, since the counter is now 5?
because once counter is incremented to 5 in some of the previous iterations, it will not enter the loop at all. that is also the reason while you don't need to check counter<5 in lines 9 and 12.

counter = 0
while counter<5:
    counter += 1
0 1 2 3 4
eventually you can change it to while<=5

counter = 0
while counter<=5:
    counter += 1
0 1 2 3 4 5