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Would you please recommend me a good Python editor?

Python IDLE that comes with python 2.7 and any version of 3 works well
IDLE is not good at all,Thonny is in same category and a lot better than IDLE.
PyCharm free community, Spyder ect..,try several.

I use VS Code which is the same category(multi-language editor) as Atom,Sublime.
I have quick review here.
My vote is for PyCharm. It has lots of built in features, code inspector (a good one),
auto complete, (VCS (CVS, Git, Subversion, Mecurial)), excellent debugger and more.
For me VS Code was a very pleasant surprise. I'm using it for a month now...
i prefer lightweight editors such as Geany or Vim. Anything but IDLE is OK in my book.
I used vi for quite a while when working on Unix (introduced to me at Bell Labs),
and still use it when I have to make quick changes when using Linux, or on windows from cmder.
I never loved it, but knew it well, so could fly with it. I never used IDE's  until emacs, which I think
was the first editor that allowed execution and debugging from within. Then I used Borland C++ for
quite a while, and their IDE was quite good. Then back to emacs, and now PyCharm.
I've been using Geany for a long time.  I'd like to be able to customize the syntax highlighting a little, and some of the menu choices are in odd locations (for me, anyway), but those are minor flaws.  All of them have their little idiosyncratic details.  I've tried to work with Spyder, for example, but it's even more unintuitive.  For me, Geany is the easiest to use, and its very complete.  Not to mention it works just as well on html, javascript, and other languages.
Hi snippsat,

It seems that PyCharm free community is only free for 30 days. Would you please confirm?

No, the Community edition is free for life. Professional edition has trial period, so obviously you refer to the professional edition, not community one. Maybe you have made mistake which one to download and install.
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