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I'm a little bit confused with what this method is supposed to do. Here's the full description:

"Write a class for linear equations. A generic linear equation is of the form
y = mx + b where m and b are constants.

Include the following methods:
(a) __init__, __str__, __repr__.
(b) value(x), which returns the value of the equation given x.
© compose(linear_equation) that composes two linear equations. That is,
if y = x + 1 and z = 2a + 5, then y(z) = 2x + 6 and will be called as
y.compose(z). Note that the compose operation is not communitive.
(d) __add__ returns the sum of two linear equations. That is,
if y = ax + b and z = cx + d, then y + z = (a + c)x + (b + d).

Include sample code that uses your class and demonstrates the use of all
methods as well as error handling."

On part c), I don't know what's actually going on when they say compose two linear equations. I tried looking it up but am not finding what I need. So if y = x + 1 and z = 2a + 5, how does y(z) = 2x + 6? I notice the constants are added together, but what about the x and 2a? I'm a little confused. What happens to the "a", or what even is the "a"?

Here's my full program:
class LinearEquations(object):
    def __init__(self, m, b):
        # print("in constructor")
        self.m = float(m)
        self.b = float(b)

    def __str__(self):
        # print("in str")
        return "%2fx + %.2f" % (self.m, self.b)

    def __repr__(self):
        # print("in repr")
        return self.__str__()

    def value(self, x):
        return self.m * x + self.b

    def compose(self, linear_equation):
        return LinearEquations(self.m * linear_equation.m, \
                      self.m * linear_equation.b + self.b)

    def __add__(self, z):
        """ Combine like terms by adding two linear equations together. """
            return LinearEquations(self.m + z.m, self.b + z.b)
        except TypeError as e:
            print("Error!", e)
            return None

# ---------------------------------main---------------------------------------
# description example executed
equation_1 = LinearEquations(1, 1)
equation_2 = LinearEquations(2, 5)

print("\nLinear Equation 1: y =", equation_1)
print("Linear Equation 2: z =", equation_2)

print("\nThe 'composition' of the two linear equations is y(z) =", \
print("The 'sum' of the two linear equations is y + z =", \
I know the compose() method works, but I'm honestly not sure what's going on.

Also, I have one more question. I'm supposed to implement error handling? Did I do it right with the try-except? That's honestly my biggest question.


One more thing, where else do I need to implement error handling besides the __add__() method?
in y = x + 1 y is dependent variable and x is independent variable. In z = 2a + 5 z is dependent and a - independent variable. They use different notation to avoid confusion. It is same to write the second one as z = 2x + 5
so, it is simple math substitution:

y(x) = x +1 (1)
y(z) = z+1 (2)
z = 2x + 5 (3)
substitute (3) in (2)
y = (2x + 5) + 1 (4)
y = 2x + 6 (5)

In more general form
y = ax+b
z = cx+d
y(z) = a(cx+d) + b
y(z) = acx + ad + b

in your particular example a=b=1, c=2 and d=5
that is why
y(z) = 1*2*x + 1*5 + 1
y(z) = 2x + 6
(Oct-26-2017, 08:19 AM)buran Wrote: [ -> ]in y = x + 1 y is dependent variable and x is independent variable. In z = 2a + 5 z is dependent and a - independent variable. They use different notation to avoid confusion. It is same to write the second one as z = 2x + 5
so, it is simple math substitution:

y(x) = x +1 (1)
y(z) = z+1 (2)
z = 2x + 5 (3)
substitute (3) in (2)
y = (2x + 5) + 1 (4)
y = 2x + 6 (5)

In more general form
y = ax+b
z = cx+d
y(z) = a(cx+d) + b
y(z) = acx + ad + b

in your particular example a=b=1, c=2 and d=5
that is why
y(z) = 1*2*x + 1*5 + 1
y(z) = 2x + 6

I don't know why that confused me. I guess the "a" is what threw my off. Thank you.

This is my updated coded by the way. Is there anything I can improve?
class LinearEquations(object):
    def __init__(self, m, b):
        # print("in constructor")
        self.m = float(m)
        self.b = float(b)

    def __str__(self):
        # print("in str")
        # return "%2fx + %.2f" % (self.m, self.b) # optional method
        return "{}x + {}".format(self.m, self.b)

    def __repr__(self):
        # print("in repr")
        return self.__str__()

    def value(self, x):
        return self.m * x + self.b

    def compose(self, linear_equation):
        return LinearEquations(self.m * linear_equation.m, \
                      self.m * linear_equation.b + self.b)

    def __add__(self, z):
        """ Combine like terms by adding two linear equations together. """
        return LinearEquations(self.m + z.m, self.b + z.b)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# description example executed
    # create equations
    equation_y = LinearEquations(1, 1)
    equation_z = LinearEquations(2, 5)

    # display equations
    print("\nLinear Equation 1: y =", equation_y)
    print("Linear Equation 2: z =", equation_z)

    # user input for x values
    y_x = float(input("Enter an x value for Equation 1: "))
    z_x = float(input("Enter an x value for Equation 2: "))
    # value(x) method
    print("\ny =", equation_y.value(y_x), "if x =", y_x) # y = 1(x) + 1
    print("z =", equation_z.value(z_x), "if x =", z_x) # z = 2(x) + 5
    # compose(linear_equation) method
    print("\ny(z) =", equation_y.compose(equation_z))
    print("z(y) =", equation_z.compose(equation_y))
    # __add__(z) method
    print("\ny + z =", equation_y + equation_z)
except NameError:
    print("Sorry, there was a name error.")
I wanna say my teacher said something about an equality() method, but maybe I misheard him. There's no need for an equality method is there?
it depends - it's not in the assignment description posted in your original post. But it is definitely possible to develop equality(y,z) method. If I understand it right it will return True if two equations y and z are the same (i.e. y(x) == z(x)  for any given x) and False otherwise. What bothers me is that there are the so-called “rich comparison” methods, which definitely can be developed (or most of them). However this maybe out of the scope of your curriculum...