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if you were to make your own language similar to python, but not necessarily compatible, how would yours differ?

i had been thinking of writing one for a very very long time.  on big difference is mine would have no "def" statement.  functions would be defined like this:

foobar = fun(a,b):
    return a+b
back then i was thinking in just C syntax, so it was literally like this:

foobar = fun(a,b) {
    return a+b
the idea being that it was an assignment, you could assign it other ways, too:

list_of_functions += fun(a,b):
    return a+b

dict_of functions['add'] = fun(a,b):
    return a+b
I always thought that if I ever designed a programming language, it would have all the standard data structures as built-in data types.
(Oct-23-2016, 12:57 PM)ichabod801 Wrote: [ -> ]I always thought that if I ever designed a programming language, it would have all the standard data structures as built-in data types.
Like PHP Sucks, But It Doesn't Matter LOL
Throughout my Career, I have no idea how many 'Languages to beat all languages' were introduced,
embraced by every non technical CIO, and then abandoned for something better.

That is however how the truly great ones survive.

They're fun to write.

We'll see a lot of new and bad ones, then a shining star will emerge and everyone will do their best make something better.

My new rule, if it survives the first five years, and if there is still a lot of interest, learn it!

As far as the rule on making a new one: Whenever it strikes your fancy!
(Oct-23-2016, 02:28 PM)snippsat Wrote: [ -> ]Like PHP Sucks, But It Doesn't Matter LOL

I would use proper object oriented name spaces to avoid that mess. I've already designed my programming language that would be a mess. It's called #@+$&!+. Writing an interpreter for it is on my bucket list.
long ago i liked this one.  more recently, i liked this one and used it a lot, thinking it was my final choice.  then i encountered these two and ended up using
I did a stint at Bell Labs (where C was written) back in the 80's.
There was always something interesting going on there.
Sometimes you even found out about it there before the book came out.

That was a great place to work, I was a consultant, so my stay was only a few months.
Even so, I learned a lot.
We had access to several cray X-MP/24 computers.
(You can find Dennis Ritchie's paper on this here)
Did you get to meet or even work with the Ritchie?
Both Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan where there at the time. I may have met them in the cafeteria, without knowing it. That building in Morristown was huge.
it was a quarter mile wide, at least a half mile long, 7 stories above ground and several (unknown how many because some you needed an elevator key to get to), below
Each work area was self contained with one access point and no windows. I was doing work on a CAD/CAM system, and the only time I went out of our 'pod' was
when arriving, leaving, or going to lunch. I did like to take a walk through the inside corridor which spanned the entire seven floors, with glass ceiling, so brightly
 lit from the outside, and full of yuppie ferns and other growing things. It also had a couple of cray's glassed in large glass cylindrical rooms.

By the way, the cafe was subsidized by Bell, and to die for.

The building was shaped like an IC (from the air) with water towers representing discrete transistors.
It should also be noted that Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson created the Unix language in 1969.

It amazes me what came out of Bell Labs back in the day when AT&T poured tons of money into R&D.
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