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Full Version: How do i loop through list of data from CSV file and post requests in aspx dynamics w
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This is my another post related to python POST METHOD. i am trying to web scrape the website which is :
I edited my this post after doing research and reached till here but still unable to loop through list
please select the registered agents first and then you can send 4 digits number

In the website it requires to send 4 digits number to get the data which starts from a500.

now i have an csv file starting from first cell and the range is from a500 to a599.

After sending 4 digits numbers some has data and some doesn't have data. i have written a code but it is not printing anything in CSV file, can anyone tell me where i am doing mistake.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv

final_data = []
file = []
url = ""

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser")

RequestVerificationToken = soup.find(attrs={"name":"__RequestVerificationToken"})['value']

filename = "Agents.csv"
f = open(filename, "r")
file_data =
datas = file_data.split()

for title in range(len(file)):#it doesnt loops all data
    search_item = title

    headers = {"user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36",

    formfields= {"__RequestVerificationToken":RequestVerificationToken,
    r =, data=formfields, headers=headers)
    data = r.text

    soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser")
    get_details =soup.find_all(class_="grid-wrap")
    for details in get_details:
        text = details.find_all("tr")[1:]
        count = 0
        for tds in text:
            td = tds.find_all("td")[1]
            #rera = td.find_all("span")
            rnumber = ""
            for num in td:
                rnumber = num.replace("\n","")
                sublist = []
            name = tds.find_all("td")[2]
            #prj_name = name.find_all("span")
            prj = ""
            for prjname in name:
                prj = prjname.replace("\n","")
filename = "maharera_agents5.csv"
with open("./"+filename, "w") as csvfile:
    csvfile = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=",")
    for i in range(0, len(final_data)):
i have removed functions and made it simple and i was getting confused with functions

attached is my csv file
I think your first loop is wrong.

filename = "Agents.csv"
f = open(filename, "r")
datas =  #datas is already a list

for search_item in datas: