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Full Version: Need some basic help with GUI graphics
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I'm new to python graphics and fairly new to python in general and I just need some basic help. How does the whole grid thing work? Like how do you place the buttons and the texts boxes where you want emm. I know its really dumb asking this but I really need help.
Since you are just starting out with GUI, might I suggest trying wxpython
instead. It is , in my opinion, much easier to use.
Tkinter is fine for small projects, but can be a nightmare when it comes to
container and widget layout. Drag and drop, and window expansion are both
difficult in tkinter, and docking even more difficult.
When using the wx.aui manager, all of this is a piece of cake in wxpython (phoenix)

The demo that comes with the system is all nicely arranged in a single application where
you click on overview to get a general idea of what can be done with the object, whether
it be a dialog or widget, then on another tab, you get to try the object in (often) many
different ways, and finally i a third tab, get to see (and/or copy) the code, which can often
be used for the basis of your application.

Admittedly, I am showing a tiny bit of bias here.
To get an idea of some of the things you can do with wxpython, see: