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Full Version: Trouble passing arguments
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When I call the functions and go to pass arguments for the functions (specifically for download_clips and download_clip) I get an error. I'm unsure what is supposed to go in their. I've tried multiple arguments but I can't seem to get the correct one. Also, for download_clip can I put multiple clips in there? Is there a way to have download_clip download all .mov files?

def download_clip(clip):
    url = "" + clip
    print url

def download_clips(response):
    values = response.split(":")
    i = 0
    for word in values:
        i += 1
        if(word.find('clipname') > -1):
            clip = values[i].split(',')[0].translate(string.maketrans("",""), '[]{} \,\"\" ')
            if not os.path.exists(clip):
                print "Downloading clip: " + clip
            f = urllib.urlopen("")
            print "No new clips found"
C:\Python26\python.exe C:/Users/nroman/PycharmProjects/Stuffz/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/nroman/PycharmProjects/Stuffz/", line 37, in <module> download_clips(response) NameError: name 'response' is not defined Process finished with exit code 1
how are you calling the download_clips(response) function ?
I've modified the code since this was put up. Here is the updated code. It works. However I need to be able to download all .mov files to a directory. Can you assist with this?

import urllib, string, os

def is_download_allowed():
    f = urllib.urlopen("")
    response =
    if (response.find('"value":"1"') > -1):
        return True
    f = urllib.urlopen("")

def download_clip(clip):
    url = "" + clip
    print url
    #os.system("curl --output " + clip + " " + url);

def download_clips():
    i = 0
    response = ""
    values = response.split(":")
    for word in values:
        i += 1
        if(word.find('clipname') > -1):
            clip = values[i].split(',')[0].translate(string.maketrans("",""), '[]{} \,\"\" ')
            if not os.path.exists(clip):
                print "Downloading clip: " + clip
            f = urllib.urlopen("")
            print "No new clips found"

def is_download_not_allowed():
    f = urllib.urlopen("")
    response =
    if (response.find('"value":"-1"') > 1):
        return True
    f = urllib.urlopen("")
