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Full Version: Some Guy Today Told Me Python Isn't A Real Programming Language
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Python is made for the human beings, not for the machines.
Here is "Hello, World!" program written in Malbolge.
Good luck with this one. It was written two years after the language is released: (=<`#9]~6ZY32Vw/.R,+Op(L,+k#Gh&}Cdz@aw=;zyKw%ut4Uqp0/mlejihtfrHcbaC2^W\>Z,XW)UTSL53\HGFjW
Doesn't look like pseudo code at all Smile
Yeah, I'm also new to python and I had heard something similar.
Nobody want to invest time in something only to find out it wasn't good, so like you, I began researching.

The first thing that I saw is that python is used by many large companies.
Facebook, Instagram, Google, IBM, YAHOO, NASA and Uber are all using it to some degree.
It seems that Facebook, Instagram and Uber are using it for the enterprise and Google runs YouTube with it. That alone made me feel better.

Also, last year it was listed as one of the top languages to learn. Which means that python is definitely a real enterprise language.
So my next thought was would I be happy using it and I am really enjoying it so far.

In my opinion, I think that we are both on the right track to spend time learning it.
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