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Full Version: Looking for offline BBCODE editor
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I'd like to find an offline BBCODE editor, so that large textual based posts can be prepared offline.
Preferably one that is stand alone, without php etc. dependencies.
Just Added a server with php and joomla, so that increases my options

you know you can save posts as drafts here right?

When you make a new post there is an option to save as draft besides post/preview. Then whenever you want to edit it you can without it being posted. To do that you go into your User CP and select to edit your drafts. If you want to edit it more select save, if you want to submit it, click remembers where the forum the thread was going to and posts it there.

I use drafts a lot when writing tutorials as i usually can take a week or so to write them.
Quote:you know you can save posts as drafts here right?

I have never done that, and forgot that the option was available.
That will work.

Why not Markdown than convert it to BBcode?
(Dec-11-2017, 02:11 AM)wavic Wrote: [ -> ]Why not Markdown than convert it to BBcode?

Woah now, slow down there, satan
I can write rapidly in Markdown, so it's not pointless. You just not lift your hands off the keyboard and after few minutes - voila.
I have been posting for a couple of years in ExcelVBA Forums. I usually prepare all my post in Microsoft WORD.
I wrote some simple VBA code, ( which is set off by shortcut key combinations ) , which puts into the WORD text some of the BB Coding that I use the most.
So typically, for example, say I wanted some of the text that I have prepared in WORD to come out blue in the final forum Post. So I would_…
_..highlight the text section that I wanted to come out blue in the final post,
_.. I hit Ctrl+Shift+b
_...I hit 1
I get then the BB Code added that is needed in a final post to get the selected text blue.

I have only just started here at Python Forum, and am not yet familiar with the BB Coding, but I expect the codes of mine could be modified if needed to give the required coding

Here is details and some of my files and coding:

In Python (and this forum when posting code), it is never a good idea to use a program like Word as it includes formatting. A plain text editor like Notepad is better and for Windows, Notepad++  is an even better option. When pasting your code between the 'tags' on this forum, use the key sequence "Ctrl + Shift + V", this will copy as plain text only.
(Dec-21-2017, 02:29 PM)sparkz_alot Wrote: [ -> ]... never a good idea to use a program like Word as it includes formatting..... use the key sequence "Ctrl + Shift + V", ... will copy as plain text
Thanks sparkz_alot, I will bare that in mind. I guess formats can get caught / carried across because of the WYSIWYG ( „What You See Is What You Get“ ) editor used here.. I think I picked something up about that, and things along the lines that you are talking about here, ,
I use Word because
_a) I like to have a good back which also includes extra stuff, notes, links, URLs etc. to the copy of anything I post, ( and I might not post it all , but I like to keep it all together, and I have got used to Word),
_b) I use the Word VBA codes I mentioned as an alternative to the forum editor to add in the BB code.

I think I understand what you are saying though – if I have a text from word with all the BB codes in it, then I need to make sure that I do the "Ctrl + Shift + V" so that it just pastes the text in. I was not aware of the "Ctrl + Shift + V" , so will practice that***

I am not too familiar yet with all the code formats in Python, but I will have a practice posting*** ( ) before I do anything for real so that I do not make a mess.. well at least no more than usual :) )

After so many years as a software director having to constantly write reports (always in Word), and having used VBA as well,
can see how it might be used. I still use it (well open office writer actually), but avoid doing so as I was never fluent enough to get around
some very annoying issues (like moving text within structured layouts). I am also quite fluent in La-Tek. It is what I learned prior to
Word. Word came out in 1983, but I was on Unux well into the 90's, only picking up MS windows when it
became company popular in the late 80's for reporting only.
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