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I have a script that does the job but only for one file. Just to explain what`s going on here:

import sys
sys.path.append("C:\\Program Files\\FME\\fmeobjects\\python27")

import fmeobjects
runner = fmeobjects.FMEWorkspaceRunner()
workspace = [font="Calibri",sans-serif]'C:\FME\Project_1.fmw'[/font]
parameters = {}
parameters['SourceDataset_ACAD'] =[font="Calibri",sans-serif]'C:\AutoCAD\Project_1.dwg'[/font]
parameters['DestDataset_OGCKML'] =[font="Calibri",sans-serif]'C:\Maps_KMZ\Project_1.kmz'  [/font]

runner.runWithParameters(workspace, parameters)

    # Run Workspace with parameters set in above directory
    runner.runWithParameters(workspace, parameters)
    # or use promptRun to prompt for published parameters
except fmeobjects.FMEException as ex:
    # Print out FME Exception if workspace failed
    print ex.message
    #Tell user the workspace ran
    print('The Workspace is ran successfully'.format(workspace))
runner = None
This script executes FMW file that does conversion from AutoCAD DWG  (C:\AutoCAD) to KMZ file and stores it in C:\Maps_KMZ folder. Now, I need to do the same thing for about 20-ish FME files that are in the same source folder.
Is it possible to  execute each file at the time and add specific time frame between two executions let's say 2 minute pause between them,  because I can not run 2 or more conversions at the same time, it would crash Windows. If so, how to do it. I don`t have much Python experience so if you can help me directly with the code that would be fantastic.

Disregard this [font ...etc] stuff , NOT a part of the code, I cannot figure out how to delete that from the code, this is so confusing pasting code in here.

Thank you very much for your help!
import os.path
from glob import glob

# glob(pattern) returns all files according to the pattern
for dwg in glob("/path/*.dwg"): # the path can be set in Unix style regardless of the OS
    in_file = os.path.abspath(dwg) # get the absolute path of a file. For example: 'C:\AutoCAD\Project_1.dwg'

    # os.path.splittext(file_name) separate the the file name from the extension and you get ['my_file', '.txt']
    out_file = "{}{}".format(os.path.splittext(in_file)[0], '.kmz')

    # os.path.join(path, file_name) joins the path with the file name properly formated with '/'
    out_full_path = os.path.join('C/Maps_KMZ', out_file)

    # Parameters
    parameters['SourceDataset_ACAD'] =[font="Calibri",sans-serif]"{}".format(in_file)[/font]
    parameters['DestDataset_OGCKML'] =[font="Calibri",sans-serif]"{}".format(out_full_path)  [/font]

    # and so on
    # ...
Something like this should work