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i was listing all my code sorted by date/time and ran across some of my earliest python code ... very ugly.

this is from 2010 to fetch the NAT config from our firewall.  the experience making this work is what led me into python coding. Heart

and no, the password is no good now (that firewall is gone).
Some of my early Python code is still exposed to public scrutiny, here and there. There is a even a rather clumsy routine somewhere written out of ignorance of the atan2() function.
my code as 4 or so years ago will forever be on github to look at

Some of hte older stuff makes me cringe. And i bet the stuff i am writing now will do the same in another 4 years.
Back during bulletin board days I wrote two tiny and quick C programs
named split and merge. They simply split very large (files > 256k bytes) into
smaller chunks on one end of the transmission, and put them back together
again on the other end. They're still available on GNU., although modified by
many over the years. Somewhere out there I also have one of the first Pub
crawl guides, posted before we had a Web, but that's a different subject.