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Full Version: Python for machine learning, complete beginners
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I am following along in this youtube video here:

I do fine with minor hiccups until the 1:03 mark, where the classifier (KNN) is being fit to the training data. It says missing one required positional argument (y), when I clearly have it there. I do not understand why I am getting this error.

See attached image of code and error. Please help me out with what should be an easy fix.
My money is on the uneven size of your train_y and train_X.
I figured it out. It was because I did not have () at the end of classifier=KNeighborsClassifier lol wow I need to be able to better avoid these little bugs. What is this called when first assigning a classifier to a variable name like above? Why was it required that I have the ()?
What is this called when first assigning a classifier to a variable name like above?
An instance.

Why was it required that I have the ()?
It's the a syntax to call the class KNeighborsClassifier. Sometime you can have input augments.