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Ok so i´m new to coding and have ZERO experience in this...I am reading a book i found online and i am trying to do some of the activties that are shown in the book. I am using pycharm to test my coding. The code i am writing is as follows.

>>> def print_lyrics():
... print "lumber jacks"
... print "im a sleep"

File "<input>", line 2
print "lumber jacks"
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

The book says "to end the function, you have to enter an empty line ( this is not necessary in a script)."

I understand that the three dots means that the definition is not how do i complete the freakin thing???
I just want to define lyrics as lumberjacks and im a sleep, right...thats what im trying to do??

This has got to be a simple misunderstanding...

Link of book >>>

Im on chapter 3 functions 3.5 section

thank you for reading and hope that made sense.
i bet youre using the python 2 version of thinkpython.

as the page says, you probably want this:

also: print("lumber jacks")
Originally, python would cause an assertion error if the code did not end in newline. (see 1.4, 3rd item
this was corrected  PEP8 issue #119 and is no longer required.
It's probably left over in PyCharm from this old issue.

I always end code with a newline, not because it's required, but that I don't personally feel it's complete without it.
I figured out the problem with your guys posts! thank you two very much!