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"""A basic program/game that simulates Rock-Paper-Scissors with text"""

# I need random library to randomise the bot's actions.
import random

# Title & help:
print("Rock-papaer-scissors Game - By Hicham Labidi.\n- 'r' for rock.\n- 'p' for paper.\n- 'sc' for scissors.\n")

# sets the variable wich stores whose turn it is, and the two boolean variables explained below.
turn = 0
UserAgain = False
BotAgain = False
# defines the function that runs the game's starting events:
def start():
	isUserAgain = UserAgain
	isBotAgain = BotAgain
	# randomises the turn variable, so we have a random turn every time:
	turn = random.randint(1, 2)	
	''' what to do if someone's turn is the current one: '''
	if turn == 1:
		''' if it's the user's turn: '''
		print("It's your turn!")
		# lets the user choose:
		user_choice = input("Choose either 'r', 'p' or 'sc': ")
		# for user: r - rock, p - paper, sc - scissors.
		bot_choice = random.randint(1, 3)
		# for bot: 1 - rock, 2 - paper, 3 - scissors.
		# print what bot choosed:
		if bot_choice == 1:
			print("Bot choosed 'rock'.")
		elif bot_choice == 2:
			print("Bot choosed 'paper'.")
			print("Bot choosed 'scissors'.")
		check(user_choice, bot_choice)
		''' if it's the bot's turn: '''
		print("It's bot's turn!")
		bot_choice = random.randint(1, 3)
		# for bot: 1 - rock, 2 - paper, 3 - scissors.
		# prints that the bot choosed something:
		print("Bot choosed something.")
		# lets the user choose:
		user_choice = input("Choose either 'r', 'p' or 'sc': ")
		# for user: r - rock, p - paper, sc - scissors.
		# prints what bot choosed:
		if bot_choice == 1:
			print("Bot choosed 'rock'.")
		elif bot_choice == 2:
			print("Bot choosed 'paper'.")
			print("Bot choosed 'scissors'.")
		check(bot=bot_choice, user=user_choice)
# defines the function that checks who's the winner:
def check(user, bot):
	if user == 'r' and bot == 3 or user == 'sc' and bot == 2 or user == 'p' and bot == 1:
		print("You win!\n")
	elif user == 'r' and bot == 2 or user == 'sc' and bot == 1 or user == 'p' and bot == 3:
		print("You lose!\n")
	elif user == 'r' and bot == 1 or user == 'p' and bot == 2 or user == 'sc' and bot == 3:
