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Full Version: python- read specific words from log file
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Hi squenson,

1) Open log file (test.log)
2) Read line by line
3) match pattern for MAC and username i.e 0200400681@ttml and 5c:f4:ab:1f:3a:ec in each line
4) print and matches... i.e.
expecting below output

0200400681@ttml 5c:f4:ab:1f:3a:ec
0220367961@ttml 00:17:7c:75:b6:05
below is the working code, however I am facing difficulty to print in desired format.
this code prints output in below format


however how can i print this like

0221470118 cc:5d:4e:72:71:a3
4010053642 e8:cc:18:60:f7:cc
0200408496 54:b8:0a:98:70:68
7911007200 74:da:da:d2:76:f7
1201005426 c4:e9:84:97:f4:cd

import re
file = open("test.txt", "r")
mac = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:][a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:][a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:][a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:][a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:][a-fA-F0-9]{2}|\d{10}')
#dn = re.compile(r'(\d{10})')
for line in file:
    mac_address = mac.findall(line)
    for word in mac_address:
        print word
How does a single line look like?
@nilamo already provided solution that works. all you need to do is to tweak it accordingly.

data = '''26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,018 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-RES-18 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS ACCEPT, REPLY MESSAGE : Authentication Success, USERNAME : 0221453122@ttml, MAC : ac:f1:df:ea:4c:26, NASIP :, NASPORTID : slot=4;subslot=2;port=1;vlanid=3727;vlanid2=1127;
26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,082 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-680 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS REJECT, REPLY MESSAGE : Account is not active, USERNAME : 0220367961@ttml, MAC : 00:17:7c:75:b6:05, NASIP :, NASPORTID : slot=5;subslot=2;port=1;vlanid=2000;vlanid2=2488;
26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,115 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-RES-18 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS ACCEPT, REPLY MESSAGE : Authentication Success, USERNAME : 4010059315, MAC : 08:60:6e:c9:dd:9a, NASIP :, NASPORTID : slot=6;subslot=2;port=100;vlanid=560;vlanid2=1284;
26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,189 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-695 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS REJECT, REPLY MESSAGE : Account is not active, USERNAME : 0200400681@ttml, MAC : 5c:f4:ab:1f:3a:ec, NASIP :, NASPORTID : pppoe lag-50:2925.3643'''
data = data.split('\n')

import csv

def parse_line(line):
    line = [item.split(' : ')[-2:] for item in line]
    return {key.split(':')[-1].strip(): value for key, value in line}

reader = csv.reader(data)
for line in reader:
    row_data = parse_line(line[1:])
    print('{USERNAME} {MAC}'.format(**row_data))
0221453122@ttml ac:f1:df:ea:4c:26 0220367961@ttml 00:17:7c:75:b6:05 4010059315 08:60:6e:c9:dd:9a 0200400681@ttml 5c:f4:ab:1f:3a:ec
parse_line() will return dict (unordered) that has all data (except for time-stamp), e.g.

{'NASPORTID': 'pppoe lag-50:2925.3643', 'REPLY MESSAGE': 'Account is not active', 'RESPONSE': 'ACCESS REJECT', 'MAC': '5c:f4:ab:1f:3a:ec', 'USERNAME': '0200400681@ttml', 'NASIP': '', 'PACKET TYPE': 'ACCESS REQUEST'}
I will leave to you to make it work with your file.
Using RegEx is also possible, but let's keep it simple
sample two lines
bold highlighted need to print

26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,018 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-RES-18 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS ACCEPT, REPLY MESSAGE : Authentication Success, USERNAME : 0221453122@ttml, MAC : ac:f1:df:ea:4c:26, NASIP :, NASPORTID : slot=4;subslot=2;port=1;vlanid=3727;vlanid2=1127;
26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,082 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-680 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS REJECT, REPLY MESSAGE : Account is not active, USERNAME : 0220367961@ttml, MAC : 00:17:7c:75:b6:05, NASIP :, NASPORTID : slot=5;subslot=2;port=1;vlanid=2000;vlanid2=2488;
Perhaps mac_address contains a tuple like ('0221470118', 'cc:5d:4e:72:71:a3')?

for line in file:
    mac_address = mac.findall(line)
    if mac_address
        print "%s %s" % (mac_address[0], mac_address[1])
:D I had some troubles with the print statement. Python 2... Brrrrr
you can construct better regex and also use named groups

data = '''26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,018 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-RES-18 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS ACCEPT, REPLY MESSAGE : Authentication Success, USERNAME : 0221453122@ttml, MAC : ac:f1:df:ea:4c:26, NASIP :, NASPORTID : slot=4;subslot=2;port=1;vlanid=3727;vlanid2=1127;
26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,082 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-680 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS REJECT, REPLY MESSAGE : Account is not active, USERNAME : 0220367961@ttml, MAC : 00:17:7c:75:b6:05, NASIP :, NASPORTID : slot=5;subslot=2;port=1;vlanid=2000;vlanid2=2488;
26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,115 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-RES-18 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS ACCEPT, REPLY MESSAGE : Authentication Success, USERNAME : 4010059315, MAC : 08:60:6e:c9:dd:9a, NASIP :, NASPORTID : slot=6;subslot=2;port=100;vlanid=560;vlanid2=1284;
26 Dec 2017 00:00:00,189 [WARN] RAD-AUTH-695 [AUTH_COUNT_LOGGER]: PACKET TYPE : ACCESS REQUEST, RESPONSE : ACCESS REJECT, REPLY MESSAGE : Account is not active, USERNAME : 0200400681@ttml, MAC : 5c:f4:ab:1f:3a:ec, NASIP :, NASPORTID : pppoe lag-50:2925.3643'''

import re

regex = r"USERNAME : (?P<username>[\d\D@][^ ]*), MAC : (?P<mac>[a-z\d:]*)"
matches = re.finditer(regex, data)
for match in matches:
    my_data ='username', 'mac')
    print(' '.join(my_data))
0221453122@ttml ac:f1:df:ea:4c:26 0220367961@ttml 00:17:7c:75:b6:05 4010059315 08:60:6e:c9:dd:9a 0200400681@ttml 5c:f4:ab:1f:3a:ec
here is nice regex test site
you can have regex pattern simplified as r"USERNAME : (?P<username>\S*), MAC : (?P<mac>[\S]{17})"
Thanks Buran.... was struggling to solve this issue, once again you help me. Thanks Ton.

possible to add

REPLY MESSAGE : Account is not active ... messages

pattern in RegEX
I already provided solution in my post#14
I will leave to you to amend the regex if you would like to use that approach
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