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Full Version: Use Function in Tkinter Label
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Hi i'm working on improving my code and making it clearer/shorter.

I'm having problems using the function i created. I can use this in Idle on the command line i.e Price(ripple) but not within the script.

Any ideas or a nudge in the right direction.

Look forward to any replies.



from tkinter import *

import requests
import json

crypto =  {'ripple': '10', 'iota': '20'} # dictionary of crypto name and units pruchased

class Crypto:

    def __init__(self, coin, price):
        url = ''
        self.coin = coin
        self.price = price
        self.api = url + coin

def Price(self): #at command window type: Price(ripple)
        json_data = requests.get(self.api).json()
        dic = json.dumps(json_data)
        dict = json.loads(dic)[0]
        #print (dict)
        print (float(dict['price_usd']))
        #price = ("%.2f" %(dict['price_usd']))
        #pricefloat = str(round(price,2))
        #print = (pricefloat)

def URL(self): #at command window type: URL(ripple)
        print (self.api)

#rippleprice = Price(ripple) # this does not work


for key in crypto.keys():
    Label(text=key, relief=RIDGE, width=15).grid(row=r, column=0)
    r =r+1
for values in crypto.values():
    Label(text = values, relief=RIDGE, width=15).grid(row=m, column=1)
    m = m + 1
#Label(text = Price(ripple), relief=RIDGE, width=15).grid(row=0, column=2) # this does not work
