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Full Version: Display options - screen
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Hi all,

I need help to create a script that will open a terminal screen with command options.

1) execute

This will open in the same terminal something like this

########Open Termianl#####################
# selection your options #
Press A for ping
Press B for SSH

When I press in my keyboard A it will call a script call ping.

Thanks for any help.
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Sorry for my bad post, im working with what I need is to work with Menus. I have this point, but the what I looking is when I press 1 this will run a script but when the script finishes I want it to go back to the main menu and not to stay in the linux prompt.
## Text menu in Python

def print_menu():       ## Your menu design here
    print 30 * "-" , "CLI SYSTEM" , 30 * "-"
    print "1. Test SSH Connection (check ssh to all hosts)"
    print "2. Backup (backup all device in host /tmp)"
    print "3. Startup Provisioning"
    print "4. Update Provisioning"
    print "5. Troublshooting"
    print "6. Exit"
    print 67 * "-"
while loop:          ## While loop which will keep going until loop = False
    print_menu()    ## Displays menu
    choice = input("Enter your choice [1-6]: ")
    if choice==1:     
        print "Menu 1 has been selected"
        ## You can add your code or functions here
    elif choice==2:
        print "Menu 2 has been selected"
        ## You can add your code or functions here
    elif choice==3:
        print "Menu 3 has been selected"
        ## You can add your code or functions here
    elif choice==4:
        print "Menu 4 has been selected"
        ## You can add your code or functions here
    elif choice==5:
	print "Menu 5 has been selected"
        ## You can add your code or function here
    elif choice==6:
        print "Menu 6 has been selected"
        ## You can add your code or functions here
        loop=False # This will make the while loop to end as not value of loop is set to False
        # Any integer inputs other than values 1-6 we print an error message
        raw_input("Wrong option selection. Enter any key to try again..")