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Full Version: .split seemingly gets ignored
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Hi, can you guys see why the .split method is being ignored?

from openpyxl import load_workbook

fb_user_data = load_workbook(filename = './spreadsheets/user_data.xlsx')

# Cell K2: first second third fourth
test_list = fb_user_data['users']['K2'].value
first second third fourth <class 'str'> Process finished with exit code 0
I also tried removing the spaces and using commaas instead. Then I used "," in split. It did not change anything.
Quote:first second third fourth
You need to add the argument for an empty space
.split(' ')
Ok, I tried that. Console showed the same output as before unfortunately. So there must be another issue.

I should also note when I used the comma seperator, I did not forget to include the ','
looks to me that test_list is a dictionary, not a list
no, I thank that's not true, but just the same:
do a favor, and after line 6, add
and show results here.
Done, here is the output:

first second third fourth first second third fourth <class 'str'> Process finished with exit code 0
the only thing I can think of is that it's tab separated, not space.
you can try:
(Feb-22-2018, 12:51 AM)liquidsnake Wrote: [ -> ]I should also note when I used the comma seperator, I did not forget to include the ','
Your output is not showing it as comma separated but space separated.

What does this output?
.split does not change the str in place so the next line does nothing

You need to do
test_list = test_list.split(' ')
As noted in the first post, the code showed space separation, but I also tried comma separation.

The output is the cell value of K2: first second third fourth

I think your 3rd comment may be the solution. I'll try assigning a new variable and printing that

Update: Bingo, the variable assignment captured the desired transformation:

['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'] <class 'list'>
That means you were changing it but not doing anything with the result...and using the unmodified one to print/do stuff