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Full Version: changing characters in multiple strings in a list
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Well I've tried many things and I can't seem to find a way to change strings or file names in a list such as:


TO new file names


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time
>>> "CT-0921-0001".replace('921', '08')
Below code will work well for whatever in between "-"
import glob
from __future__ import print_function

for fileName in glob.glob('CT-*'):
        fileName = fileName.split('-')
        fileName[1] = '008'
        fileName = '-'.join(fileName)
Thank you. I was looking at glob function. It printed the new names very nicely but I actually need the names in the directory to be changed. So I am looking at os.rename(fileName, fileName.replace ...). Not sure how to make it change the names in the directory.