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Full Version: Homework help?
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Hiya guys. I'm a noob and really need some help. So I was told to code something in python ver.3.4.1 and basically you input an age (12-18) and It then tells you what school year, class and head of form they are. So like if you input 13: Then it should say
Year group; 2 etc.
Year group 1: 12- Head of year- Mr James (Just making these names up)
year group 2: 13- Mr stuart
year group 3: 14- Mr Bob
year group 4: 15- Mr Kyro
year group 5: 16- Mr Aaron
year group 6: 17- Mr Wilson
year group 7: 18- Mr Dan
can anyone help me out here because I don't know what I'm doing at all
Thanks in advance
You need to show some attempt you've made so far. Keep in mind, we will not write the code for you but we will assist you in the code you write. What restrictions are you limited to for instance you can only use functions and lists. In other words, how far into the language have you progressed? Knowing this allows us to help you without getting you in trouble by introducing methods far more advanced than you instructor is expecting.