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Full Version: 2 Entries 1 keypad
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Hello everybody,

I have a problem, i want to use an onscreen keyboard for 2 entrys .

i have this code from another thread and thats exactly what i want but only for one entry. can please somebody edit the code so i can use the same keyboard for both entrys ?
Thank you so much

import tkinter as tk
from functools import partial

root = tk.Tk()

num_run = 0
btn_funcid = 0

def click(btn):
    global num_run
    text = "%s" % btn
    if not text == "Del" and not text == "Close":
        e.insert(END, text)
    if text == 'Del':
        e.delete(0, END)
    if text == 'Close':
        num_run = 0
        root.unbind('<Button-1>', btn_funcid)

def numpad():
    global num_run, boot
    boot = tk.Tk()
    boot['bg'] = 'green'
    lf = tk.LabelFrame(boot, text=" keypad ", bd=3)
    lf.pack(padx=15, pady=10)
    btn_list = [
        '7',  '8',  '9',
        '4',  '5',  '6',
        '1',  '2',  '3',
        '0',  'Del',  'Close']
    r = 1
    c = 0
    n = 0
    btn = list(range(len(btn_list)))
    for label in btn_list:
        cmd = partial(click, label)
        btn[n] = tk.Button(lf, text=label, width=10, height=5, command=cmd)
        btn[n].grid(row=r, column=c)
        n += 1
        c += 1
        if c == 3:
            c = 0
            r += 1

def close(event):
    global num_run, btn_funcid
    if num_run == 1:
        num_run = 0
        root.unbind('<Button-1>', btn_funcid)

def run(event):
    global num_run, btn_funcid
    if num_run == 0:
        num_run = 1
        btn_funcid = root.bind('<Button-1>', close)


e=tk.Entry(root, font='Verdana  8 bold',textvariable=rand, insertwidth=4, justify='right')
e.bind('<Button-1>', run), y=10)
secondentry= tk.Entry(root, font='Verdana  8 bold',textvariable=rand1, insertwidth=4, justify='right'), y=30)

Hi @scarface113,

PM Sent!

Norman F.
Hey Hi I am also implementing same program where I have to use onscreen touch keypad for four entry.
Could anyone help me out in that.