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Full Version: Advance properties read from xml files
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Hi All,

I am able to read the properties of workbooks using below code.

from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('sample.xlsx')
print (

# sample.xlsx is my file and I can able to read the properties of this xml file as below .

creator=u'Sri Ram', title=u'Sample', description=None, subject=None, identifier=None, language=None, created=datetime.datetime(2018
, 4, 24, 14, 40, 32), modified=datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 25, 5, 39, 15), lastModifiedBy=u'Ram rao', category=u'Finance', contentS
tatus=None, version=None, revision=None, keywords=u'HSBC', lastPrinted=None
# But my requirement is I want to read the advanced properties of the same file .

Can any one help me on the code how we can read the advaced properties of the file details.

Note :
1) If we have excel sheet name Sample .
2)Clicked on Info it will show the properties ( I am able to read with above code)
3) click on Properties drop down will see the Advanced propeties
4)if we click on Advanced properties window will popup Sample properties window.
5) if we click on custom tab we have some property values like Name , vale and Type( I want to read these values through python code)

Please help on this python code to read these values
