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Full Version: files in my home directory
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in my home directory of the user name/id i use for doing coding i have lots of .pike and .py and .sh files i use locally or am working on. in addition i have a bunch of .pyf files which contain Python function definitions that i can add in to .py files (modules and scripts) that i am working on. there are also a few .pyd files which contain Python coded data i can add into other .py files. an example is a file with a list of US states. there are also several .pyi files which are inserts for other .py files that have other purposes. i also have a file named* that i use as a template for new scripts and modules. i just copy* to the new name and start editing.

*ny is Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish for new.
Why don't you move all these files to another directory?
why? then i'd just have to cd into that directory.
if i can figure out solutions to some issues, such as a way to have 2 or more users sharing the same checked out file, i plan to put them in a revision repository.