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Full Version: I need a help to solve equations system
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I have this code bellow

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from sympy import *

t, r = symbols('t, r')

A = np.matrix(input("Insert Matrix nxn: "))

n = A.shape[1]

C = MatrixSymbol('P', n, n) 

D = np.multiply(A,C) 

SomP = D.sum(axis=1)

F = np.multiply(A,C)

for j in range(n):
   for k in range(n):
      if D[j,k]!=0:
         F[j,k] = D[j,k] - t*(SomP[k] - D[k,j]) - r*D[k,j]
         print F[j,k]
and, for example, giving the matrix [[0,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,0]], I get this equations:

[[-r*P[1, 0] - t*P[1, 2] + P[0, 1]]]

[[-r*P[2, 0] - t*P[2, 1] + P[0, 2]]]

[[-r*P[0, 1] - t*P[0, 2] + P[1, 0]]]

[[-r*P[2, 1] - t*P[2, 0] + P[1, 2]]]

[[-r*P[0, 2] - t*P[0, 1] + P[2, 0]]]

[[-r*P[1, 2] - t*P[1, 0] + P[2, 1]]]

How do I solve this system of equations F[j,k]?
In what sense are the F[j, k] a system of equations? I only see a set of coefficients depending on r, t and the coefficients of P. What are the unknowns? Can you also describe the mathematical problem that you are trying to solve?