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Full Version: Adding a paragraph of text before an exercise
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I have only just started to learn Python and hope someone will be kind enough to help me. I am reading and doing the exercises from the book "Learn Python 3 the Hard Way" and before each exercise i would like to add a paragraph of text which explains in my own words what the exercise is all about. I don't want to add the '#' character because that will comment everything out and only i will be able to see the text. When i tried using triple quotes i got an error. I don't think putting 'print' before each and every line is the answer either. Would someone help me out here please. Big thanks
Triple quotes should not throw an error. Can you post the whole error message (exception traceback)
''' This exercise is about adding triple quotes
in a python program. A triple quoted string is
a literal expression. As such it is an expression statement.
It can appear anywhere in the program'''
(May-05-2018, 06:43 AM)oldDog Wrote: [ -> ]I don't want to add the '#' character because that will comment everything out and only i will be able to see the text.
Comment # is meant for you and other who read your code.

There is way with docstring in function and class.
Then can look at what's in docstring with help() and __doc__.
def foo():
    '''The meaning of life, the universe, and everything'''
    return 42
>>> help(foo)
Help on function foo:

    The meaning of life, the universe, and everything

>>> foo.__doc__
'The meaning of life, the universe, and everything'

>>> foo()

class Bar():
    This class dos This
    Need to explain more
    var = 999

    def run(self):
        '''This method do run something'''
>>> Bar.__doc__   
'\n  This class dos This\n  Need to explain more\n  '
>>> help(Bar) Help on class Bar in module builtins: class Bar(object) | This class dos This | Need to explain more | | Methods defined here: | | run(self) | This method do run something | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors defined here: | | __dict__ | dictionary for instance variables (if defined) | | __weakref__ | list of weak references to the object (if defined) | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data and other attributes defined here: | | var = 999
Hi Gribouillis
I was doing an exercise and thought i'd add a paragraph explaining what the exercise was all about. but, although the exercise was done correctly the paragraph of text does not appear on the screen?
(May-05-2018, 11:39 AM)oldDog Wrote: [ -> ]the paragraph of text does not appear on the screen?
You need to call the print() function to see the paragraph in the output:
    This is a paraghaph with
    my explanations.
You can also do
para = """This new paragraph
explains things even better
Hi Gribouillis
Problem solved now mate.
Big thanks for the help and advice