Python Forum

Warnings may be given out for a wide number of reasons (breaking rules, inappropriate content, spamming, threads in the wrong forum, cheating, incorrect use of tags, hijacking threads, suspicious links, etc.)

If you have a question regarding a warning you received, you can ask in a personal space where only you and mods can see your post. This is the Private Inquires section in Board forum.

Warnings are easier for mods to give users than to post a new reply explaining how to do something and why. It un-clutters the thread. It also strays the thread away from the original question. Warnings also help keep track of users actions between moderators. They may expire, but they are recorded permanently on your account. Please dont take offense to a warning. Take it with a grain of salt, fix what needs to be fixed, dont do it next time, and move on. These minor warnings will expire soon and are usually the lowest point allowed to be given (1). An example of such would be incorrect use of BBCode tags

The amount of points given is based on the number of things as well. Its to each mods discretion based on their first hand contact. Usually repetitive warning will increase in points, as well as not abiding the mods instructions. Being hostile against a mod may increase the points. An example of a high point warning would be spammy messages, inappropriate content, consistently getting minor warnings, etc.

Warnings accumulating 10 or more points will lock your account (or rather at 100%). When your warning points dips under 10 points you account will automatically be unlocked. The mod or admin determines the points based on your actions, as well as how long until these points expire (1 hour, 7 days, 1 month, or even never, etc.).

The auto task manager runs every 20 minutes. So it may take up to 20 minutes to unlock/lock your account based on warning points.

Any attempt to bypass warnings by making a new account will result in permanent ban. Your IP address, email, username, etc. will be all permanently banned from future accounts. If we suspect your under a new account with a proxy, all your information will be sent to StopForumSpam for other forums to deny registration to and you will be blocked from thousands of other forums as well, let alone this one.

The following is a list of default warnings of common occurrences. This does not mean we only give out warnings for these offenses. If you have received one of these warnings by mistake please post in the "Board" section or PM an admin or moderator explaining why you feel it is incorrect.
Default Warnings

  • Cheating
      This warning is given out when you are suspected of cheating. This could be asking a question that expects the forums users to answer your homework for you for example.
  • Clickbaiting
      This warning is given out when you have posted links that are suspected to using our forum as advertisement.
  • Creating new threads unnecessarily
      This warning is given out when one creates new threads for duplication or no purposeful reason at all.
  • Cross posting
      This warning is given out when when you posted your question on numerous forums across the internet hoping to catch anything. This leaves our forum members thinking your question was not answered but was somewhere else.
  • Duplicate Accounts
      This warning is given out to two accounts that have been flagged as being one person possibly imitating as two. Please PM a mod/admin or make a post on the "Board" section explaining any reason why you feel the accounts should not be merged together. If no user action is taken, both accounts are subject to ban and IP blocks.
  • Excessive fowl language
      This warning is given out for those with a dirty mind.
  • Hijacked thread
      This warning is given out for those that post a question in another person's thread not pertaining to their question. Please post a new thread for your unrelated question. Their thread is for their discussion.
  • Improper Subject Title
      This warning is given out when you use a bad subject title.
  • Inappropriate content
      This warning is given out for any inappropriate content. This could be anything that you would not let your kids see.
  • Not enough information in post
      This warning is given out for those that ask a question but do not give enough info to answer it.
  • Not following directions after repeatedly informed
      This warning is given out for those that were already warned about something and keep doing it.
  • Not following rules
      This warning is given out for those that do not follow general rules.
  • Not using proper BBCode tags
      This warning is given out for those that (most commonly post source code as text instead of using code/python tags to put the code into a code box); or do not use quote tags for quotes, error tags for errors, output tags for output, etc.
  • Post contains sensitive info
      This warning is given out to those that post code or output or just plain post as text sensitive information. This could be credit card numbers, passwords, keys, names, emails, ID numbers, job title, etc. Please remove any sensitive information before submitting your post.
  • Post in incorrect forum
      This warning is given to those that post their question in the wrong category in the forum.
  • Posting questions without effort on their part
      This warning is given to those that post questions without willing to do work on their own and expect the forum members to do their work for them.
  • Providing answers for those without effort on their part
      This warning is given to those that answer questions without willing to do work on their own and allow the poster to get a answer without work on his own.
  • Removing post content
      This warning is given to those that attempt to delete their post after getting an answer.
  • Spam content
      This warning is given to those that post spammy content in their threads.
  • Trolling
      This warning is given to those that have causes havoc on the forums, offensive, provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting members, etc.

User Panel Messages

Announcement #1 8/1/2020
Announcement #2 8/2/2020
Announcement #3 8/6/2020