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My version of Rock Paper Scissors - Printable Version

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RE: My version of Rock Paper Scissors - menator01 - Jun-02-2020

I can't think of anything.

RE: My version of Rock Paper Scissors - GOTO10 - Jun-02-2020

FYI, I figured it out. It runs fine if I run it from the command prompt in Windows or a terminal window in Linux. My mistake is that I was running it directly in IDLE.

Cool program! Very sophisticated by Rock, Paper, Scissors standards.

RE: My version of Rock Paper Scissors - menator01 - Jun-27-2020

I've added speech to the game. A little slower but, I think it's kinda cool.
Requires espeak to be installed.
pip install espeak

#! /usr/bin/env python3

# Do the imports
import random as rnd
import os
from time import sleep as os_sleep
from subprocess import call

# Check if the os is *nix or windows
# if it's windows import colorama and initiate
if == 'nt':
    import colorama

# Define some basic ansi colors
red = '\033[31m'
yellow = '\033[33m'
cyan = '\033[36m'
blue = '\033[34m'
magenta = '\033[35m'
green = '\033[32m'

bright_red = '\033[91m'
bright_yellow = '\033[33;1m'
bright_cyan = '\033[36;1m'
bright_blue = '\033[34;1m'
bright_magenta = '\033[35;1m'
bright_green = '\033[32;1m'

# Other ansi sequences
underline = '\033[4m'
bold = '\033[1m'

# Resets all ansi to system default
reset = '\033[0m'

class Game:
    def __init__(self):
        # Set some default options
        self.player_wins = 0
        self.computer_wins = 0
        self.ties = 0
        self.games_played = 0

        self.player_name = ''

        # Define our choices
        self.options = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']

        # Clears the screen so we do not have cluttered text
        # Display the game title
        print(f'{underline}{bright_blue}Rock Paper Scissors{reset}\n')

        # Start the game loop
        call(['espeak', 'What is your name?'])
        while True:
                # Check if we have a player name. If not ask for one.
                if not self.player_name:
                    self.player_name = input("What's your name?: ").lower()
                    # This throws an error if player does not enter a name.
                    if not self.player_name:
                        call(['espeak', 'Please enter a name.'])
                        print(f'{bright_red}Error!{reset}: {bright_yellow}Please enter a player name.{reset}')
                    # Welcome the player to the game and do a countdown to game start
                        print(f'Hello {bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset}! Welcome to the {bright_blue}Rock Paper Scissors{reset} Game!')
                        call(['espeak', f'Hello {self.player_name}! Welcome to rock paper and scissors!'])
                        # i = 10
                        # while i > 0:
                        #     print(f'Hello {bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset}! Welcome to the {bright_blue}Rock Paper Scissors{reset} Game!')
                        #     print(f'Game starting in {bright_yellow}{i}{reset}')
                        #     i -= 1
                        #     os_sleep(1)
                        #     self.clear()
                # Everything is ok up to this point. Start the game
                print(f'\n{yellow}Type "q" or "quit" without quotes to exit game.{reset}\n')
                print(f'{bright_blue}Choices: {", ".join(self.options).title()}{reset}')

                self.player_choice = input(f'Player Choice: ').lower()

                # Player enter q or qiut to exit the game
                if self.player_choice == 'q' or self.player_choice == 'quit':

                    # Check for the overall winner
                    if self.player_wins > self.computer_wins:
                        total = self.convert(self.player_wins, self.computer_wins, self.ties)
                        print(f'{bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset} is the overall winner.')
                        print(f'{bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset} won {total} of the games played.')
                        call(['espeak', f'{self.player_name} is the overall winner. {self.player_name} won {total} of played games.'])

                    elif self.computer_wins > self.player_wins:
                        total = self.convert(self.computer_wins, self.player_wins, self.ties)
                        print(f'{bright_magenta}Computer{reset} is the overall winner.')
                        print(f'{bright_magenta}Computer{reset} won {total} of the games played.')
                        call(['espeak', f'Computer is the over all winner. Computer won {total} of played games.'])

                        print(f'No player is the overall winner.')
                        call(['espeak', 'There is no overall winner.'])

                    print(f'{bright_green}Games Played{reset}: {self.games_played}\n')

                    print(f'{bright_yellow}Thanks for playing{reset} {bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{bright_yellow}!{reset}')
                    call(['espeak', f'Thanks for playing {self.player_name}.'])

                # Setup some errors if wrong input is entered
                if self.player_choice.replace('.', '').isdigit():
                    print(f'{bright_red}Error!: {bright_yellow}Numbers are not allowed.{reset}')
                    call(['espeak', 'Numbers are not allowed'])
                elif self.player_choice not in self.options:
                    print(f'{bright_red}Error!: {bright_yellow}Please use only the given choices.{reset}')
                    call(['espeak', 'Please use only the given choices.'])

                # No errors continue to play

            # Throw an exception if any unknown errors
            except ValueError as error:
                print(f'{bright_red}Error!{reset}: {yellow}{error}{reset}')

            # Show scores

    # This function is used to clear the screen of cluttered text
    def clear(self):
        # Check if the os is windows or not
        if == 'nt':
            _ = os.system('cls')
            _ = os.system('clear')

    def play(self):
        # Get the computer's choice
        computer =

        self.games_played += 1

        # Print out what each has chosen
        print(f'\n{bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset} Chose: {self.player_choice.title()}')
        print(f'{bright_magenta}Computer{reset} Chose: {computer.title()}\n')

        txt1 = 'Rock Crushes Scissors'
        txt2 = 'Paper Covers Rock'
        txt3 = 'Scissors Cuts Paper'

        # Check to see who won and return
        if self.player_choice == 'rock' and computer == 'scissors':
            winner = f'{bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset} won! {txt1}.'
            call(['espeak', f'{txt1}. {self.player_name} wins.'])
            self.player_wins += 1
        elif self.player_choice == 'paper' and computer == 'rock':
            winner = f'{bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset} won! {txt2}.'
            call(['espeak', f'{txt2}. {self.player_name} wins.'])
            self.player_wins += 1
        elif self.player_choice == 'scissors' and computer == 'paper':
            winner = f'{bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset} won! {txt3}.'
            call(['espeak', f'{txt3}. {self.player_name} wins.'])
            self.player_wins += 1

        elif computer == 'rock' and self.player_choice == 'scissors':
            winner = f'{bright_magenta}Computer{reset} won! {txt1}'
            call(['espeak', f'{txt1}. Computer wins.'])
            self.computer_wins += 1
        elif computer == 'paper' and self.player_choice == 'rock':
            winner = f'{bright_magenta}Computer{reset} won! {txt2}'
            call(['espeak', f'{txt2}. Computer wins.'])
            self.computer_wins += 1
        elif computer == 'scissors' and self.player_choice == 'paper':
            call(['espeak', f'{txt3}. Computer wins.'])
            winner = f'{bright_magenta}Computer{reset} won! {txt3}'
            self.computer_wins += 1
            winner = f'{bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset} and {bright_magenta}Computer{reset} have tied.\nThere is no winner.'
            call(['espeak', f'{self.player_name} and computer have tied.'])
            self.ties += 1
        return winner

    # Get a random choice for the computer and return
    def computer(self):
        self.computer_choice = rnd.choice(self.options)
        return self.computer_choice

    # Displays the score/wins
    def score(self):
        print(f'{bright_cyan}{self.player_name.title()}{reset}: {self.player_wins} | {bright_magenta}Computer{reset}: {self.computer_wins} | {bright_yellow}Ties{reset}: {self.ties}')

    # Convert wins into percentages
    def convert(self, num1, num2, num3):
        total = num1 / (num1 + num2 + num3)
        return format(total, '.0%')

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':