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TypeError: string indices must be integers - Printable Version

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RE: TypeError: string indices must be integers - deanhystad - Aug-31-2022

And title() is a better choice than upper() or lower()

RE: TypeError: string indices must be integers - rob101 - Aug-31-2022

Keep in mind that if you do use .title(), then "Paris" in not the same as "PARIS" or "paris", which is why I prefer to store data in one format or another (usually lowercase) and then case change any user input: user_input = input("Enter your text: ").lower() so that it's easy to make any comparison to the stored data: if user_input == data:

Any output can be formatted correctly, as in, for example: print(f"{city}".title()) where city could be "PARIS" or "paris", or whatever.

RE: TypeError: string indices must be integers - deanhystad - Aug-31-2022

You can change both the answer and the reply to anything as long as it is the same. I was thinking that title() would work well. If the quiz answers are in title case (Paris, Berlin) they look nice when you do this:
print(f"Incorrect :(\nThe correct answer is: {a}")
You could also do this:
if input("Answer? ").upper() == a.upper():
then the quiz answers can use any capitalization you want.
quiz = (
    ("What is the capital of France?", "Paris"),
    ("What is the point where two lines meet?", "vertex")