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Push video to left and remove background - Printable Version

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RE: Push video to left and remove background - finndude - Dec-07-2022

Alright, what would the button need to do? Obviously to support portrait, but I haven’t yet figured out how to get portrait working, so how would I get the button do that?

RE: Push video to left and remove background - deanhystad - Dec-07-2022

Looking at tkvideoplayer source I don't think it supports rotating the video. It does have a call for getting video metadata. I guess you have to rotate the video yourself.

RE: Push video to left and remove background - finndude - Dec-13-2022

(Dec-07-2022, 08:28 PM)deanhystad Wrote: Looking at tkvideoplayer source I don't think it supports rotating the video. It does have a call for getting video metadata. I guess you have to rotate the video yourself.

I have managed to have the video displayed in the correct orientation by making changes to the tkVideoplayer library. Still truggling to remove the white spece either side