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Help with nested maps - Printable Version

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RE: Help with nested maps - Unkovic - Nov-01-2023

(Oct-31-2023, 03:57 PM)Unkovic Wrote: The only thing I now need a help with is (nested) lists.

How could we parse this?

data = """
    map -> map_name:
        string -> name = John
		int -> age = 30
		string -> city = New York
		int -> code = 16755251
        map -> map_name1:
            string -> name1 = John
            int -> age1 = 30
            string -> city1 = New York
            int -> code1 = 16755251
            float -> floater1 = 3.33
        int -> code1 = 16755251
    int -> code2 = 16755251
    list -> list_name:
        string -> shit
As you can see I added list to the data

list_pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*list\s*->\s*(\w+)\s*[:]\s*$')

I even have made the regex. But since lists only contains values, I'm unsure how to implement so it doesn't possibly affect with keys regex

key_value_pattern = re.compile(r"^\s*(\w+)\s*->\s*(\w+)\s*=(.*)$")
value_pattern_list = re.compile(r"^\s*(\w+)\s*->(.*)$")

Okay so the next question would be how could I parse homogenic map/list?

list(float) -> some_name :
			- 3.3
			- 2.3
			- 3.33

here is the regex modified for array_id_pattern


I wanted to check if map has optional data type after map in parentheses. but if i don't put the parentheses a 'p' letter of map would be in the matching group for it.

Also as you can see, homogenic list / maps items doesn't have data types before them. We automatically know they are float.

this is the function i use for processing the elements

def __process_element(self, element):
        elem_type, number, value, line = element
        if elem_type == 'DICT_ITEM':
            tp, key, rest = value
            self.current_dict[key] = self.__proccess_value(tp, rest)
        elif elem_type == 'MAP':
            new_dict = {}
            if isinstance(self.current_dict, list):
                self.current_dict[value] = new_dict
            self.current_dict = new_dict
        elif elem_type == 'LIST':
            new_list = []
            if isinstance(self.current_dict, list):
                self.current_dict[value] = new_list
            self.current_dict = new_list
        elif elem_type == 'LIST_ITEM':
            tp, rest = value
            self.current_dict.append(self.__proccess_value(tp, rest))
        elif elem_type == 'END':
            if self.stack:
                self.current_dict = self.stack.pop()