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Downloading Page Source From URL List - Printable Version

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RE: Downloading Page Source From URL List - deanhystad - Jun-07-2024

(Jun-06-2024, 06:59 PM)zunebuggy Wrote: My sites.txt is just a list of urls like:
If that is what your url's look like, not only is https: a problem. but there are problems with this:
        myfold = myurl[8:10]
        myfn = myurl[8:12]
""[8:10] == "ab", not "abc". 10-8 = 2 characters, not 3. You would need [8:11], or [7:10] after you fix the https issue. Better yet you should use pattern matching to extract the file and folder names.
import re

URL = r"\more_gibberish?page="

if match :="(\w+\.\w+)\\(.*)", URL):
    website, document = match.groups()
    name, ext = website.split(".")
    print(name, ext, document)
gibberish com more_gibberish?page=

RE: Downloading Page Source From URL List - Pedroski55 - Jun-08-2024

I don't think you will use \ in hyperlinks.

If your web address looks like:

URL = r""
and your regex is like this:

e = re.compile(r"(\w+\.\w+)\\(.*)")
You will not find the whole web address because, notwithstanding all hyphenated words, - is not \w:

Output: <re.Match object; span=(25, 55), match='\\more_gibberish?page='>
I had trouble with web addresses containing -

This finds the base web address:

URL = r""
e = re.compile(r"//(\S+\.\w+)")
res =